President Biden seems intent on moving his administration from the odious to the absurd. He just declared that the Equal Right Amendment is ratified: "In keeping with my oath and duty to Constitution and country, I affirm what I believe and what three-fourths of the states have ratified: The 28th Amendment is the law of the land, guaranteeing all Americans equal rights and protections under the law regardless of their sex."Â
...It is a position based on a long-rejected and frankly ridiculous foundation. It is another curious moment for self-describing champions of democracy...
Amendments by Acclamation: Democrats Move to Simply Declare the Equal Rights Amendment as RatifiedBelow is my column in the Hill on the Democratic campaign to simply declare the Equal Rights Amendment ratified as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution. The question is whether raw politics is en…https://jonathanturley.org/2022/03/11/amendments-by-acclamation-democrats-move-to-simply-declare-the-equal-rights-amendment-as-ratified/
...After attempting to remove Trump from ballots and pack the Court, many on the left simply wanted Biden to declare the ERA part of the Constitution. It is another example of using any means to achieve outcomes, even having a unilateral declaration of a rejected constitutional amendment...Â
...As for Biden, he will finish his term following the same Oscar Wilde approach to politics: the only way to be rid of temptation is to yield to it.Â
...However, Biden notably stopped short of giving the left what it wanted most: an actual executive order on the ratification. He simply made a declaration and presumably left the matter up to the archivist.Â
• • •
Until the National Archives and the Clerk Archivist have formally announced and provided documentation to verify ratification by three-quarters (3/4) of the States, the ERA will remain a liberal pipe-dream of the Marxist left. The Office of Legal Counsel has already and definitively found on January 6, 2020 that the deadline for State ratification in the proposal clause of the ERA has irrevocably passed, and it cannot be legally and contitutionally changed or resurrected by any executive fiat, congressional action or decision of the judiciary. If the ERA is to be ratified as the 28th Amendment to our Connstitution it would require a new proposal by the Congress to start the process all over again.Â
I just checked a democrat site and they are calling this not legal, ust an opinion, and 'performative'.
For now
Absurdistan. However, that law uses the word, "SEX," not fricking "gender." SEX is binary. Still is. Ask Webster.
Absolutely, Richard. He might 'hee haw,' but he can't kick.