
  • Corporations don't pay taxes... they expense them, their consumers fund their taxes as part of the retail costs for the goods and services provided by a corporation.  Taxing a Corporation SOUNDS GOOD but it really isn't a tax they pay... it is a disingenuous way to tax the middle class and poor... blaming the increase in the deficit on Corporations that fail to pay ... their fair share... only to find out that their fair share is PASSED on to the consumers of their products and services.

    Tax the rich and hurt the poor... and do it all while blaming the corporations. Raise the taxes on a landlord and what does he do... he raises the rents by the amount of the new tax, so do all businesses.  The problem is not taxation or revenue, it is SPENDING.  The government refuses to live within its means, it will not make the hard decisions regarding what programs and services the government can afford before it destroys our economy and adversely affects our national security.

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