
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden caught heavy flak this week for plans to restrict firearm ownership in the United States.

Publicly available for some time now, Biden’s official gun policy proposal was met with substantial scrutiny for the first time Wednesday, dragged into the wider political conversation by ideologically opposed commentators Tim Pool and Steven Crowder.

And with more eyes now on the document, high-profile Second Amendment advocacy organizations are highlighting the plan’s most radical elements.

Gun Owners of America, for its part, told The Western Journal on Wednesday that the plan was among the most “draconian” it had ever seen from a serious electoral contender.

“The Biden gun control plan is the most aggressive and dangerous that we’ve ever seen put forward from a tier one presidential candidate — and includes more than two dozen draconian objectives,” said Erich Pratt, the organization’s senior vice president, in an email.

“For example, Biden would ban the future production and possession of commonly-owned firearms such as the AR-15 and would treat currently owned AR-15s like automatic firearms.”

The Biden campaign’s official gun control agenda is apparently far more comprehensive than the traditional call for a background check system or so-called “assault weapons” ban, however.

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