Mark Alexander: It's Actually the 'Harris-Biden' Ticket... — The Patriot  PostWith Election Day only weeks away, the Biden-Harris ticket is ramping up the identity politics. The way they see it, President Trump is the hate-inciting racist and the Democrats are swooping in to save the day.

This was on full display in last night’s debate. Not only did Joe Biden call President Trump a “racist,” which is unprecedented for presidential politics, but he also railed on and on about “systemic injustice” without providing examples. At the same time, Biden remained reluctant to denounce the left-wing violence lighting America’s cities on fire, struggling to even say the words “law and order.”

Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), is even more blunt. She recently accused President Trump of "sowing hate and division in our country” (again, without providing examples), while vowing to “speak about systemic racism.” She also promised to incorporate “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) messaging into the Biden campaign.

To her credit, Harris is at least walking the race-baiter’s walk: She has supported the bailouts of Minnesota rioters and looters, essentially emboldening violent criminals to continue wreaking havoc on their communities. The California senator endorsed the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF), which prides itself on bailing out those violent criminals in the name of social justice. In recent months, MFF financially supported Darnika Floyd, who was charged with second-degree murder after allegedly stabbing a friend to death, and Christopher Boswell, who is facing charges of sexual assault and kidnapping. The group put up $100,000 on Floyd’s behalf and $350,000 for Boswell, funded in part by Biden staffers.

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  • Didn't Biden support one of his Democrat senator who was a member of the KKK and he called President Trump raciest what an idiot 

  • Trump is the most unifying president that I lived under. The media seems to have forgotton how divisive obummer was. Trump has brought back many Americans to public life as he is Making America Great Again. Americans can see today that the country is so much better today than it was when Trump took over the country. In the meantime demonrats are just destructive. We realy need to erase them from American soil!

    • I agree with you 1oo%

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