🚨The Rigging of the 2024 Election is Well Underway

Biden has tasked the entirety of the federal government to work directly with Democrat Get-Out-The-Vote operations

Here are @USDA employees being instructed by the far-left group @Demos_Org 🧵Image
This stems from Executive Order 14019, crafted by Democrat "voting" groups, which tasks every government agency to focus on registering and mobilizing key Democratic constituenciesImage
A key organizer and coordinator of this effort is the dark money group @Demos_Org with deep ties to @SenWarren and progressive groups

h/t @capitalresearchImage
Demos estimates that this taxpayer funded political operation can register 3 million new "voters', or add that many unaccountable mail-in-ballots to the flooded system

A perfect recipe for fraud for ballot harvestersImage
This partisan and racial targeting at @USDA is a continuation of the hard-left turn at the agency which has been sued for racismImage
The Chair of the Board at Demos is Rupa Balasubramanian, a VP at the
Pop Culture Collaborative

As the Biden campaign is shifting towards cultivating celebrity endorsements to shift away from policy failures, he has a helpful ally with access to all of the federal gov'tImage
Demos also has far-left activist @NaomiAberly on the board, a regular promoter of fanatical agitprop, such as
-attacking Justice Thomas
-calling @SenRonJohnson a traitor
-claiming President Trump shouldn't be able to run
-claiming Trump plans to "overthrow democracy"

The group also has significant ties to the Soros network and boasts of a board member's arrest record in connection with election advocacyImage

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  • They used the federal bureaucracy to seize power in a coup are are now going to use it to hold that power!!!!!  If they succeed, which I pray daily they won't, then America is finished as the "shining city on a hill" it was created to be and liberty everywhere will be lost for A,merica is the engine that has preserved liberty wherever it exists and once the preserver is gone the rest will be gone also!!!!! 

  • Where are the DOP/RNC lawsuits and referrals for criminal prosecution citing the HATCH ACT...

    The Hatch Act of 1939An Act to Prevent Pernicious Political Activities, is a United States federal law. Its main provision prohibits civil-service employees in the federal government's executive branch, except the president and vice presidentfrom engaging in some forms of political activity.

    The act restricts federal employee participation in certain partisan political activities... both on-duty and off-duty conduct. 'Partisan Political Activities' are defined as activities directed at promoting the success or failure of a candidate for political office, or of a partisan political group.  Federal employees may not seek public office in elections, use their official title or authority when engaging in political activity, solicit or receive contributions for partisan political candidates or groups, and engage in political activity while on duty... or use government property for such purposes.

    For More on the restrictions See:

    The Hatch Act: Political Activity and the Federal Employee | FDA

    Law of the United States
    The law of the United States comprises many levels of codified and uncodified forms of law, of which the most important is the nation's Constitution,…
    • Are you kidding?  the gop is part of the globalist conspiracy, except for a very few who work to see liberty preserved!!!!!  The rnc and gop establishment are as evil and corrupt as the devildemocommiecrats, they just still disguise their TREASON while the devildemocommiecrats make no attempt to hide their disdain for the Constitution, the rule of law, and We the People!!!!!  The devildemocommiecrats couldn't get away with the things they get away with if they didn't have the back room help of the gop!!!!!!!!!!


  • This is disgusting, but the Republicans need to get it together and use the same tactics the cheaters (aka de"mock"rats do.  Of course, it is more difficult since we don't have a msm media covering for every immoral, unethical or illegal things we our nominees do (the msm will actually make up such things as come to the Republicans. 


    • Idoubt that will work because too many are on the govt's titty

    • Janet, more serious than that is the complicity of the gop!!!!!  They are just as bad but are still hiding their TREASONOUS acts, or non acts, from We the People as much as they can and too many gop supporters either can't or won't see and/or acknowledge it!!!!!!!!!!


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