
  • How does this get fixed...

    1.  Recall the entire government subject to new elections and appointments... Recall, by Amendment all elected, appointed, and Senior Executive Service (SES) subject to new elections and appointments.  ALL Federal Judges included in the recall. 

    2.  Return to the original constitutional method for the selection of US Senators by repealing the 17th Amendment.  Return to the system where State legislatures and governors selected and appointed US Senators AT WILL... no more popular vote.  US Senators must work for their State not themselves and those who fund their office.

    3. Term Limits by Amendment... One term, 6yrs for all elected, appointed, and senior executive civil service (SES) employees... with 1/3rd standing for election and appointment every 2 yrs.  One office, one term no present government officials eligible for any... ANY... elected or appointed office.

    This will DRAIN THE SWAMP and backfill it with qualified Citizen Politicians who serve one term and return home... they will not need to raise funds for reelection or kowtow to political powers for an appointment or renew their appointments.   Thus, the influence of any particular group or individual will be dramatically limited. Our public officials will know they hold office for one term and then it is home.

    • A Constitutional Reset is necessary. 

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