bikers - Imgflip

President Joe Biden will ignore the annual Rolling to Remember motorcycle rally in Washington, DC, on Memorial Day despite past presidents taking part in the day’s events.

Organizers for the rally told Breitbart News they had not been contacted by the White House about recognizing or participating in the annual event.

The White House did not respond to multiple requests for comment from Breitbart News.

The Rolling to Remember rally, previously known as Rolling Thunder, is now organized by AMVETS.

Former President Barack Obama and former President Donald Trump have each met with organizers of the popular Memorial Day motorcycle rally, hosting them at the White House.

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  • we actualy have Satan running this country what do we expect?

  • Biden just don't give a rip about anything except money for him and his family.  


  • I wonder if the people in the armed forces and our vets have figured out what a fraud Traitor Joe is!  I laugh my head off when I see either him or Commie Harris speaking at military academy graduations.  We know both of them have no respect for the military.

  • Too bad we cannot IGNORE our illegitimate president as well!

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