It is day 29 of the Biden regime and he still had not taken a single action that benefits Americans. He has, however, taken action to benefit a lot of other countries. Not only do his actions not benefit Americans, they will cost YOU money, and a lot of it.
Under Trump the US was energy independent. Biden fixed that. His actions have smashed oil production by 40%. So far. The price of gasoline is up 18% and will continue to climb. That will translate into increases in heating oil and electricity. Actions such as canceling the Keystone XL pipeline are causes a spike in jobless claims. YOU will be paying more.
Biden has thrown open the door for illegal aliens. Right now it costs almost $60 billion to educate the children of illegal aliens. That comes largely off the backs of local municipalities in the form of property taxes. Biden plans to quadruple of number of economic refugees over Trump era levels. That mean another 125,000 unskilled non-English speaking persons who have to be supported financially. That means YOU will pay for it. We are told in commercials that one in seven children in America goes to bed hungry. Now we will put those hungry children even further down the list of priorities.
Biden has rejoined the US to the Paris Accords. Even without it the US was leading the world in CO2 emission reduction (even with John Kerry included). The UN concluded "America Is Already Cutting So Much Carbon It Doesn’t Need The Paris Climate Accord." The Paris Accord was a lousy deal for America right from the start:
The poorly negotiated Paris climate accord imposed unfair, unworkable and unrealistic targets on the United States for reducing carbon emissions.
As the climate deal punished America’s energy producers with expensive and burdensome regulations, it gave other countries U.S. taxpayer-funded subsidies and generous timelines.
Countries like China got a free pass to pollute for over a decade. With abundant low-cost coal, China and India would put our manufacturers at a huge competitive disadvantage. Economic costs would be severe.
According to the National Economic Research Associates, if we met all of our commitments as part of the Paris climate agreement, it would cost the American economy $3 trillion and 6.5 million industrial sector jobs by 2040. We don’t need to cripple our economy to protect our environment. America’s emissions actually continue to decline, and we are the world’s driver of innovative solutions. Since 2005, the United States has reduced its combustion-related carbon dioxide emissions more than any other nation in the world. Global emissions have moved in the opposite direction.
China, on the other hand is not subject to the same restrictions. In 2020 it built 3 times as many coal fired power plants as did the rest of the entire world. Both China and India are largely off the hook. That's what that crafty obama negotiated. The cost of the Paris Accord to the US?
U.S. participation in the pact would cost the average family of four $20,000 and the national GDP $2.5 trillion by 2035, according to The Heritage Foundation. The resulting reduction in global temperatures: a nearly unmeasurable 0.015 degrees Celsius in 2100.
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