When The Public Finally Catches On... - Tennessee Conservative

President Joe Biden is trying to close a deal with Mexico that would see hundreds of thousands of migrants enter the country legally, while deporting non-Mexican illegal migrants en masse across the southern border.

The deal would be a breakthrough for the president, who is hoping to solve the ever-worsening border crisis ahead of the upcoming presidential election.

Biden has previously said the nation's inability deport migrants back to their home country was a leading factor in the record numbers of illegal crossings the US has seen in recent months.

The new policy would see non-Mexican migrants who illegally cross into the US deported to Mexico. Sources said the deal has not been finalized, but that Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has been open to negotiations, according to the Washington Post.

The deal is contingent upon Biden expanding the parole process, which fast-tracks work authorization for migrants with sponsors in the US, which could create significant spikes in legal migrants. News of the deal comes as Title 42 - the pandemic-era border policy used to expel migrants - is due to expire this spring after previously being extended.

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