
    • I have long known that the world's central banks, the federal reserve, and the world's major corporations, have joined together with various political interests to constrol the value of our currency... markets, and government. These agents of the 'New World Order' are manipulating the world's money supply, capital and consumer markets, commercial trade, and the Board of Directors of the world's key mega-corporations.  They are doing this to secure their control over the world's governments...  in order to consolidate their power by creating a New World Order,  A single economic and government system they control.

    • Welcome on board... and well said.

  • Good job headchip china man that has all plants in china! Wow be ware of false Profit! 

  • Been saying something 

  • I was wondering when some one would come out with the truth about electric cars. Paste and copy this to all of your contacts and then on FB.

    • God Bless the Truth.  We ABSOLUTELY have to get our pastors involved.  If they are not interested,  move on...

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