
  • I sort of agree.....I don't see anyone with balls enough, enough unity in the GOP to do it!

  • No TRAITOR JOE - investigating your lying anti-American criminal scum son is the first step in investigating you.  And only the de"mock"rats don't know that you are a TRAITOR, and possibly the worse TRAITOR the USA has ever had!

  • Biden, be sure your sins will find you out, just wait

  • My advice is, never impeach Biden!  Removing Biden leaves us with Kamala Harris, an even bigger disaster than Joe.  Impeach that fool running the DOJ and then charge Hunter and Joe's brother with the crimes they have obviously committed. A judge or judges that are not biased will have to be found to sit the cases. I want the perps hammered hard but not simply because they happen to be Bidens. Maybe select nine circuit court judges who have displayed little or no bias in their decisions and have them, as a panel, sit the cases. That would insure justice in one direction or the other.

    Then congress can move on to doing its job of impeaching those public servants who continue to fail at their tasks. Federal judges first of all as that would clear up many of the problems besetting the nation. Then act to remove the servants running what they consider their own fiefdom and inflicting restrictive regulations on us. By the way, get rid of the Department of Education entirely!

  • Idiots are easily amused. 

  • Yeah keep laughing Joe. In the meantime you better drag out a good case of C.Y.A.


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