
  • It will never happen! The left will never have the satisfaction of watching such!

    They either run together, orDeSantis  will wait until Trump is finished with his term!

  • Huh?  Essentially Trump's and DeSantis' viewpoints are the same; although DeSantis may not be quite as controversial as President Trump.  I don't think there is much of a feud there.  But I bet if Trump decides to run again, DeSantis won't.

    • I would bet money, if DJT runs again, he will pick DeSantis as his VP- - and I doubt DeSantis would refuse.  It would be a winning ticket and make DeSantis a shoo-in to be #48!!  But, that's just me.

    • I agree, and it would guarantee 12 years in the WH. Under two true Americans that would be a real boost to making America the republic it was designed to be.

    • 👍

    • Apologies, it looks like I just repeated what several have already said; I didn't mean to be redundant!:) :) :)

    • June, there is no problem in repeating what others have said. We all need to speak up and need to have our voices heard. The more, the merrier :-) 

    • Thank you, Paul, but maybe I should take time to read a little more before I just jump in there!

  • Demonrats and rinos want to divide us as they have divided the entire country already. This is why it is more important than ever that every patriot stands firmly and in an unwavering way behind President Donald J. Trump, the man who makes America great again and who unifies the country, just like he did in his first term in office.

  •  Is the Trump-Desantis feud being engineered by those who feel threatened by Trump and/or Desantis?

    Give this a happy thought: Trump and Desantis teaming up to destroy the far-left ideology of the Democrat party and in passing, end the political lives of the Bidens and their ilk.

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