
  • All this is laundering money, and blackmail hush money. Zelesky is paid to be silent about Biden's activities in Uraine. Is it true to Biden owns 200 acres in Ukraine where they had an underground bunker with biolabs doing experiments on human/animal DNA? BILLIONS of dollars has already gone missing in Ukraine over the decades that we've funded that NAZI Government, no accountability. Laundering money for the DC aristocrates, Ukraine has been the deep states playgound for a LONG time. 

    • That most likely goes for EU figures as well.

      Russia's the good guy in this, not the US or EU.  Disgusting on our part.  But when criminals are running the country, that's what we get.

  • $800 million more...  Minus the "Big Guys" cut!  Jus sayin...

  • The CIA has been funding the Neo-Natzis in Ukrine for decades in support of the NWO

  • Can that bastard legally do that?


  • Worthless puppet

  • All I need to know is that Zelensky wants one-world order.  Putin does not want that.  Z has info on Joey?  You can bet on it.  But Joey doesn't even know what Z is referencing.  Joey is not in control; of anything.  We only have 10 good elected officials.  They are all in this together.  Everybody is a game-piece.  Madison Cawthorn is spot-on.  This sham would be over today if the Republican Party weren't knowingly a team player in the game.  I am still considering that march.  If you really care about what is happening to you,

    We are watching a circus/carnival. No one in DC stops the circus.  You, me, us, we are the audience and we just watch and react emotionally, but not physically. Worse than sad.  Obama is the ringmaster.  The bearded lady, the false transgender Richard Levine (reportedly still is carrying his maleness) that took over our healthcare.  There are the clowns and court jesters in Biden and Harris dressed in fox costumes.  The biggest attraction to the circus is the trained elephants: the Republicans/GOP followed by the jackasses, donkeys if you will:  Rogue elephants stick out as they do not dance to the music.  They are not desired.  Oh, here comes the trained FOXX leading in and the first to announce those two jesters!

    Watch this video from minute-marker 12:00 and think about what you are trusting.  INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING WITH ROBIN AND STEVE - EPISODE 40 (

    • rotflol.  Bearded lady from PA.  Cousin of Gov. Wolf.  My stare.  yuck!  45 in POTUS this summer.  I will keep you in my prayers.

    • I listen to Robin also. Kent Christmas was given a vision for the next three years. It is so encouraging,  check it out,  Laurel. (and others)

    • yup!  I will check it out!  Absolutely!  Robin Bullock.  Amanda Grace.  Julie Greene.  Kent Christmas.  Clay Clark.  Kat Kerr.  Jonathan Cahn.......... Bible.  God.

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