
  • obiden is working on his defense tactic for when he is brought up on charges for his ukraine scandal, the leftist media will start covering for him with " how can you try a mentally worn out commie/marxist, he is not long for this great world that he and obama made "? The media wwill start covering for all of them, soros and his chinese wife/handler, obamas, clintons, corney, brennen, mccabe, page, strzok, lynch, rice, paul ryan, adumb schitt, nadler, pelosi, waters, the guy from california that farts during his interviews, feinstein and her chinese chauffer/handler along with others.

  • Maybe quid pro quo joe obiden was streaming on a different channel, or the Eastern Mountain Time was wrong, or he confused the date. Surely 19 people could have puely by accident surfed the stream and tuned in thinking it was a rerun they missed.

  • No doubt Trump will railroad Biden in November. Another and this time even larger landslide for Trump!!! 

  • i wonder how many that were watching were of black women [trans] hoping to be biden's running mate since he promised that it would be a black female

    • I think that was don lemon's air time, so, we know he wasn't one of them.

  • The b.s. polls actually have this guy winning???? Anybody that would vote for this mini me Barack is a moron.......At least Trump wants the nation to improve, be secure and have economic success.  Trump finally has exposed the rotten Chinese govt for their years of spying, theft, polluted products etc.  The filthy democrat progressives have been selling out this nation for years.......Clinntons, Obama and even the weak Bush bots took part in letting other nations, the UN, WHO , WTO etc rob and insult the US .  The rats are nervous that Trump might expose so many of these political elite families for taking bribes, being foreign agents.........that's why they tried to use the FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION.....when in fact Biden , Obama, Clintons are all being paid off by Russians, Chinese etc.  Since the FBI /Comey is now known to be complicit in rigging the fake dossiers, the fake impeachment/collusion against Trump............time to start the prosecutions and put these bastards in jail.  They hate Trump because all the little bastard democrat criminals might be exposed.  They all were hiding their money deals, lies and sell outs............LOCK THEM UP. Biden must be much money did his familey take from the Ukraine, and China????? I WANT TO KNOW.......BIDEN IS A FOREIGN AGENT........HIS SON, BROTHER, SISTER..........ALL NEED TO BE INVESTIGATED NOW. 

    • Of course obiden is up by 119% to Trumps ahhh, uhhh, ummmm, we will know after the election, when obiden's group figures out how many extra ballots the chinese need to print up to put hillary over the top, so, it may not be right away. I see where she stole the answers to President Trump's cognizant test.

  • So SAD that this person won't be allowed to get OUT!

  • Boy, does this old fart look bad. Is he going to be able to run out the clock to even get to the election. He looks worse every time he comes out of his basement. What do you think he does in that basement? God, this is the best the democrats can find out of 150 million people? Trump in a LANDSLIDE 2020!

    • Hillary and big mike obama will take his place at the last moment.

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