
  • He's the fool the Democrats hoped Trump would be. He's wrong on every issue, exactly what his handlers wanted. 

    • Exactly...and they're bigger fools for thinking we would believe them.

  • I can temember this statement since I was a little kid. 

    Every election the Demoncrats say the Republicans are gonna take your Social Security and medicare.

    It's how they keep low information voters.

    • they should pay it back for all the Millions they took

  • Thanks Joe... I'm now informed about the dangers of "Mega Maga Trickle Down Disease" and the fact one can get it by "Having a Serious Boyfreind before 30."

  • As much as I can't stand Biden we all know it isn't really him running things. He does say horrible stuff but mostly it's obummer, and the rest of the perverts running things

  • He is the biggest LIAR this country has ever seen in public office.  Liar, Liar, pants on fire.

    • maybe they should Pay back the money they stole from it?  Gee I don't know I'll take my chances on GOP!!!!   This Circus is a shit show, if the GOP gets in he has vowed to veto everything they send to him!!!!!!  MORON!

    • I don't know about that but he is right up there with Obama


    • He is saying what he is to,d to say, nothing original from him unless he goes off sounding crazy!

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