President Joe Biden’s plan to pack the United States labor market with millions of newly legalized illegal aliens and more legal immigrants would bring already deported illegal aliens back to the U.S. to apply for amnesty.
Biden’s plan, formally introduced in Congress on Thursday by Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), would give amnesty to the roughly 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. today. In addition, the plan increases legal immigration levels beyond the current 1.2 million green card annual admissions.
Most significantly, the plan would provide amnesty to illegal aliens who were already deported from the U.S. by former President Trump’s administration starting in January 2017.
Specifically, the provision provides Department of Homeland Security (DHS) waivers to deported illegal aliens — as long as they have not been convicted of a felony or three misdemeanors — so that they can return to the U.S. and apply for the amnesty.
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another 4 years of Obama again.
Any illegal entry into the US is a felony... and involves a lot more than three or four misdemeanor acts... crossing illegally is one act, entry without a visa is another violation, running from or hiding from law enforcement is an attempt to evade arrest another crime, lying to agents of the law another crime, making a false statement to avoid deportation another crime... and on and on. No one in the US illegally is here without committing numerous crimes. Therefore, the idea that no one gets a waiver if they have committed a felony and or three misdemeanors disqualifies ALL those entering the US Illegally.
Lying to a federal agent of the law is a felony... if the lye is meant to materially mislead or obstruct justice... An illegal who provides a false name or address or claims to be a US Citizen just committed a felony.. not a misdemeanor.
An illegal alien who has been deported and returns violated his deportation order committed a FELONY... not a misdemeanor. This is such CRAP it makes one want to scream... do these idiots think we are stupid... yes, they do or even worse they don't care as there is no one to fire them or to charge them with obstruction of justice for allowing these illegal aliens entry. Tell your legislatures and congress this has to stop... none of these illegals are innocent of the law...
All illegal entry into the USA violates multiple criminal statutes... Everything from failure to clear customs and immigration, to simple trespass... by crossing at other than a Port of Entry the illegal is guilty of an attempt to evade law enforcement, failure to report to a Port of Entry is also a crime on its own right .... multiple crimes, not one crime... multiple are committed with any illegal entry.
"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence." To me that means that our government should protect our borders; not legalize illegal aliens or give them amensty. They broke federal law - out they go! We should not be welcoming them with open arms. As a tax payer, I should not have to pay for their food, housing, clothing, education, or health. This is justr plain wrong.
Exactly Martha...
The States can and SHOULD defend their borders... and since the Border Patrol only conducts catch and release operations they are not defending our borders against illegal invasion... the State should mobilize their National Guard and station them all along their border with Mexico... arresting and immediately deporting the illegal alien from their State. When the Federal Courts attempt to intervene inform them that the federal government has not yet sent forces to the border to stop the mass migration and INVASION of their sovereign state .... that they, therefore, will remain in place defending their border and if the Federal Government attempts to interfere with their Constitutional right to defend their border the agents involved will be arrested and charged with several crimes including obstruction of justice.
Unless the States act to intervene in this matter we will no longer have borders ... and we will lose our nation to an invasion of the destitute and criminal elements now in Mexico and our southern neighbors... as they run them off by deporting their own criminals and indigents to the USA. The several States have a constitutional right and DUTY to defend their borders from invasion until the Federal Government DOES... and the Federal Government is not and has declared it is now their policy to permit the mass migration to INVADE the soverign states of the Union... We must now insist that the States act to defend our borders... this is what the founders would expect.
P/S Martha, you mentioned: "As a taxpayer, I should not have to pay for their food, housing, clothing, education, or health. This is just plain wrong." No, it's just plain MARXIST DOCTRINE...
"From each according to their ability to each according to their need."
The US Taxpayer has too much... just ask Obama and Harris... We must get used to the new normal...less is best. We must give what we produce to the poor and frankly lazy... Never mind that they have the same potential as our founding fathers to tame their wilderness and to harness their resources to make life easier in their own nations... however why do that when BIDEN will give them YOUR HOUSE and YOUR FOOD... and all they have to do is make it across an imaginary line in the dirt... and viola a path to citizenship is opened unto them.
Our forefather's and parents left us a nation they carved out of the wilderness for our benefit... not those who refused to do the same where they live... no they would rather rob our children of our labor and heritage... and they will if we don't stop the Biden's and Harris's now running our government. We are being invaded and the States refuse to come to their own citizen's aid... they would rather arrest you and your neighbor than too stand up to the criminals in the White House, Congress, and the Courts... it is time for them to choose which side of the Constitution they are on... the side of justice and the rule of law or the side of Marxism and the rule of despots.
The idea that a DHS employee has the power to WAIVE a CONGRESSIONAL STATUTE/LAW is absolutely UNLAWFUL... it is obstruction of justice, accessory to criminal conduct, conspiracy to violate the law, and more evidence of the CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE running our government.
The ARBITRARY ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMINAL DISREGARD FOR OUR STATUTORY LAW is now being sanctioned by the highest levels of government... when are the people going to march on DC and round up all these criminals... the laws of the United States were not made to have some jackbooted thug in the DHS suddenly decide they don't need to be enforced...
In fact, no one but a Court of Law can offer such relief (waiver of the law) and only then under careful adjudication that retains the SPIRIT OF THE LAW and doesn't become open policy. Prosecutorial discretion is a lie. It is a fancy legal doctrine that permits a prosecutor to violate his oath of office and to fail in his duty to prosecute criminal conduct brought before him. It is a system designed to provide the ELITEST in our judiciary with the right to decide who is prosecuted and who is given a waiver. It ignores the law and becomes an ARBITRARY act of arrogance by our legal professionals.
It is a slap in the face to those who are prosecuted and to the Congress or Legislature which made the law. Our Laws were not made only to be waived... they were made to be prosecuted. If there are too many violations to handle prosecutions with the staff available... hire more staff... create more courts but we don't permit criminal conduct simply because we have overloaded courts. Our laws are not the product of ARBITRARY ENFORCEMENT... The dictate of a corrupt legal system. We are no longer a country that prides itself on the rule of law.