Democrat congressmen - Imgflip

The Senate is set to reconvene this week — one of their top priorities being the so called “For the People Act,” which Democrats claim fights “racism” and “suppression,” but would instead effectively nationalize elections and enable voter fraud.

Republicans previously blocked the bill by using the filibuster and preventing “tyranny of the majority.” Top Democrats are now calling on President Biden to lobby for “filibuster reform” in order to ram through the legislation this time around without the need for Republican votes, Rolling Stone reported Sunday.

“According to three people briefed on the White House’s position and its recent communications with outside groups, Biden assured Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that he was ready to push for filibuster reform,” the report states. 

A source briefed on the White House’s position said Biden told Schumer, “Chuck, you tell me when you need me to start making phone calls.”

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