Biden Prepares a Macabre Inauguration



For a candidate who encouraged Americans to embrace hope, not fear during his nomination acceptance speech, Joe Biden is making an odd choice for the eve of the inauguration. According to Axios:

To set the tone for his inauguration the next day, President-elect Biden will lead a memorial to remember and honor lives lost to COVID-19, with church-bell ringings and light shows across the country on Tuesday, Jan. 19, at 5:30 p.m. ET.

To set the tone? Sounds like the most macabre inauguration ever. I am old enough to remember when Joe Biden said this election was a choice between darkness and the light. He posited himself as the candidate of light but now tells us our darkest days are ahead.

Biden says he will exert pressure on governors and local leaders to mandate masks for 100 days—even though more than 90% of Americans already wear masks. His team has also come up with some truly whacked-out ideas for distributing the vaccine. It is almost like they don’t want to solve the problem and keep blue-state residents isolated and with their faces covered for the foreseeable future.

The obvious choice is to give vaccines to people over 65 and those with preexisting conditions. Protect the vulnerable and let everyone else move on. Instead, his staff members have advocated giving it to frontline workers for “equity,” and in New York, they are even giving it to those in drug-addiction rehab first. These groups both have average ages well below the high-risk pool, and those who are at risk could be vaccinated simply using the age-based approach.


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