PHOTO It's Joe Biden Disaster Day Again Meme

Families of 9/11 victims and Republicans expressed outrage as the so-called 9/11 '20th hijacker' was released from Guantanamo Bay prison and sent back to Saudi Arabia for psychiatric treatment.

Would-be terrorist Mohammad Ahmad al-Qahtani, 46, who reportedly missed boarding a plane to fly into the World Trade Center because he was detained by authorities on immigration charges, was shipped back to his native country, Pentagon officials said Monday.

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, who had sent a letter last week to President Joe Biden urging him not to go through with the release, said it was a 'massive error which poses a serious risk to our national security.'

 'Al-Qahtani is a terrorist who made it his life goal to kill Americans,' Rubio said. 'I believe he remains committed to jihad and the destruction of the United States.'

'Now, because of the Biden Administration's misguided policies, he has the opportunity to once again return to the battlefield. The decision to transfer al-Qahtani is not simply a lapse in judgment, it is a massive error which poses a serious risk to our national security and the security of our allies.'

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  • There is  nothing wrong with biteme, he is just screwing the American people over and the demoidiots think he is the greatest thing since slice bread.

  • And they won't let out our own completely innocent Jan 6 Patriots from d.c. Gitmo.

  • This is what happens when you.allow a US Presidential election to be STOLEN ! No Sane person really believes Joe Biden got 81 million LEGAL VOTES November 2020 . 

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