
Two of the questioners at the ABC town hall featuring Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Thursday had ties to high-profile Democrats, including one questioner who previously worked as a speechwriter in the Obama administration. 


The queries came as President Trump, hundreds of miles away, was engaging in his own parallel town hall being aired on NBC. The ABC town hall was hosted by George Stephanopoulos, who was a communications director for the Bill Clinton White House and who has been a political journalist since 2002. 

One of the questioners at the ABC-hosted event was Nathan Osburn, a former speechwriter for the Obama White House. Osburn specifically worked for the Office of Public Affairs at the Commerce Department under the Obama-Biden administration and at the Small Business Administration. 

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  • Of course, it is always a set up to make sure he gets softball questions a retarded monkey could answer.  I watched a few minutes of the Trump townhall and all that skank "interviewer" could do was criticize him about not wearing a mask.  Masks are politically correct BS.  I saw a study done by virologists that said masks filter out spores .5 microns and larger but the covid spore is .3 microns so masks are nothing more than "feel good" garbage for the pc bs crowd to feel superior to the rest of us.

  • Sleepy Joe has such low energy that he could not endure a real town hall meeting like Trump did, who showed the best performance I have ever seen in a town hall last Thursday. All Americans could see the same thing. Trump will win with a huge landslide in November, bigger win than in 2016. He will also take back the House as he did in 2016 but with less rinos this time around. 

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