16 DHS - Department of Homeland Security ideas | homeland security, security,  homeland

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a 'heightened threat advisory' on Tuesday, warning of an increased risk of 'mass casualty violence' nationwide fueled by extremist ideologies and personal beliefs.

Incidents could be motivated by the looming Supreme Court decision that could wipe out federal abortion protections granted by Roe v. Wade.

A draft opinion leaked by Politico last month indicated the Justices were poised to overturn the ruling, sparking fierce demonstrations across the country from both pro-life and pro-choice groups.

Tensions are expected to boil over the high court releases its opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health, where Mississippi officials have asked Justices to repeal the landmark case Roe v. Wade.

The bulletin cites 'individuals who advocate both for and against abortion' who publicly 'encouraged violence, including against government, religious, and reproductive healthcare personnel and facilities, as well as those with opposing ideologies.'

The high court scheduled an additional day of releasing opinions on Wednesday, with 33 decisions left in the current term until summer break. 

DHS also warned that 'domestic violent extremists' could use changes in the US-Mexico border enforcement system as a reason to carry out attacks against 'minorities and law enforcement officials' - just weeks after a judge blocked the Biden administration from lifting a pandemic-era expulsion policy known as Title 42.

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  • This is not going to end well

  • It is the devildemocommiecrats calling for their minions to commit violent acts that is the problem!!!!!  Conservatives are not the ones committing acts of violence!!!!!  Look at who did the riots, who encouraged and supported it, and who are committing mass murder!!!!!  Hint, it IS NOT conservatives!!!!!!!!!!

  • Yes and that violence will come from the pro-abortion advocates.  We hav already seen then have no morals or ethics.

    • Martha, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!  They have already put out their gameplan, riot and attack pro-life people!!!!!!!!!!


  • The Executive Branch is priming the pump to intimidate GOP voters and candidate support by INVENTING CRISIS that doesn't exist... providing them with the cover needed to harass and shut down legitimate, lawful dissident political opposition. 

    This announcement is the PRELUDE to an escalating purge of key political opposition... it is part of the historical pattern that the Marxists engage in to purge counter-revolutionaries from society.... beginning with the 2022 Election the Red Wave and the conservative movement will be demonized and targeted by Federal Law Enforcement.  Look for the riots and civil unrest created by BLM, ANTIFA and ACORN affiliates too be blamed on conservative elements seeking peaceful government reform... a series of January 6th type events.  The Left riots and the Right is blamed and prosecuted.

    • Ron, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!  It is all part of the marxist/communist/satanist plan to destabilize and destroy America by uintimidating those they can and imprisoning or killing those they can't intimidate!!!!!  I WILL NOT be intimidated by punks of satan!!!!!!!!!!


  • DHS has been corrupted .Everyday day China Joe is importing Latino Gang Members into the United States . What A MESS the felon in the white house has made of America .

    • The mess is contrived... Marxist planned chaos to disrupt the mid-term elections and their potential cancellation... or indefinite postponement... subject to the left's need to rig the election.

  • In the eyes of the liberal crazies, any trouble from these loonies will be another Summer of Love and the gutless Biden administration will stand down and watch our cities burn while police and innocent citizens will be assaulted and murdered.

  • The Obama administration and current administration, which are one, have been driving our country into tribulism and away from citizenship, which is very dangerous for all Americans

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