
  • That broad ain't worth the powder it would take to blow her up

    • that's the reason why I am not going to listen to her speak it's insane what the Democratic are doing to the citizen of America.

  • At least abc pointed out what kind of Criminal Dumb Asses that the democrat party is made of..! Hell, he Already knew the answer to that question as do I and the rest of the world..! The Circle Back Lunatic knows that anwer also but she would be out on her ass if she answered it honestly, (Yes or No) because it Was a Yes or No Question..!   Is abc trying to go after Biden - Are the MSM going to do their part in Impeaching Biden and put Hard Left Communist Kamala in as president..?  Maybe the Entire Country has been Woken Up by the things that Biden has been doing. EO Joe's Dictatorship Would Have To Effect Everyone In Some Very Important Way..!  Do They All Hate Biden and Harry Ass as much as they do Trump..? Maybe Not Exactly Right This Minute But I Believe It Is Comming..!  I Personally Despise Both Of The Bastards..!

    • even at that ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, WGN, are blind to what the Democratic party is doing.

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