Hot off the Press – 27th November 2017 | Hell onWheels/Life One Handed

In the flurry of President Joe Biden’s executive orders was one that was almost entirely overlooked but could easily end up having the biggest impact.

The order also seems harmless enough, going by the seemingly innocent title “Modernizing Regulatory Review.” Except this order isn’t about modernizing regulations. It’s about unleashing the regulatory state with a ferocity never before seen in this country.

Biden’s order – which didn’t get released to the press until late in the evening of his first day – aims to effectively toss the cost-benefit analysis that for many decades has served as at least a modest brake on the ambitions of regulators. In the past, regulations where the cost of compliance far exceeded the benefits could be stymied by the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

Biden wants the review process instead to be “a tool to affirmatively promote regulations” and “to ensure swift and effective federal action” on everything from the pandemic, to the economy, to racial inequality, to the “undeniable reality and accelerating threat of climate change.” In other words … everything.

Clyde Wayne Crews, a regulation expert at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, said that Biden’s order is “likely to do away with cost-benefit analysis by elevating unquantifiable aims as benefits and deny costs of regulation altogether.” In doing so, it will “put weight on the scales of whether or not to regulate such that the answer will always be in the affirmative.”
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  • I don't want to be the elephant in this room but it's a move to reduce or remove the red tape of buerocracy, an it has a good chance to work because most of government is a muppet for liberalism so in effect this will ram their agendas efficiently, but not necessarily effectively, this nation is not used to socialism and will fight back.  Republicans have much to learn from democrat tactics, I think most importantly to not involve democrats in any decision making (especially major)

    • Oleg, it would be great if the Republicans learned a thing or two. Trump was a unifier and consensus builder who cared about every single real American patriot. 

  • "DEMOCRAT LOGIC" at it's finest.  No REAL American could possibly see this as a "benefit"... especially to us millions of "little guys".

  • How dare Biden reverses the EOs that Trump worked so hard to implement as Trump was making America great again? Sleepy Joe is even doing it in record speed. Who is behind all this? NWO? 

    • Ultimately, the NWO is my guess judging by their declarations.

      The catalyst sure is not Pretender Biden. His hands, joints, and swiveling head have strings that are being operated. I suggest the principal actors no one elected, quietly confer with the "Biden" Obama cabinet to direct oversight goals. Joe is informed by each member later, before a E.O. signature is needed.  Even the Pretender in Chief must be pretended to for the sake of his delusion. Until the obsessively preoccupied House Hag is satisfied, a Congressional facade is not availible.

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    • Marlene, is 2022 too far away to wait for?

      I think it will be a turningpoint.

    • Let's pray and HOPE!!!

  • Climste is the way the U,N. plans to inflict their one world Totaoitarian Governmet on us.

    My opinion of U.S. Enemies in order of importance

    !) Our own Federal Government

    2) C.C.P.

    3) Academia

    4) The U.N.

    How about reimagining that,Libs?

    • I agree, Climate Alarmism is not about climate, but rather control and defeat of national sovereignty.

      The alarmists must be challenged on their face , specifically when they spout authority in certain scientific fact. "Incontravertible" Global Warming theory is agenda driven, and has not been concluded in the scientific method of inquiry. The excessive Carbon emission agenda is also bogus. FLORA AND FAUNA  ARE CARBON-BASED LIFE!

      The Covid-farce was perpetrated, employing fear and uncertainty in leaping over the testing phase, from discovery phase  to implimentation. That act was criminal scientific fraud (Fauci being the posterboy), bought and paid for.

      A great amount of scientific research topic selection is driven by financial sponsorship (and the agenda strings attached), rather than sincere scientific curiousity.

      Think about it. The NWO does not want you to. You are not authorized. IMHO

  • Instead of slogan build back better should be destroy laugh rule. 

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