Democratic nominee Joe Biden said the only way he could lose the 2020 election was through “chicanery,” before later adding he would accept the results of the election.
“Make sure to vote,” the former vice president told voters at a campaign stop in Pennsylvania, “Because the only way we lose this is by the chicanery going on relative to polling places.”
Biden said that President Trump was trying to discourage voting by casting doubt on mail-in ballot security and telling supporters to “go to polls and watch very carefully” on Election Day.
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It will be a blessing for sleepy when he loses. He is a bitter old fart. He belongs in a rest home. You are watching senior abuse at play here. We winners wish him well. TRUMP 2020
Go back in your spidey hole and don't come out until TRUMP is reelected in November...
There is no doubt that Trump will win with a huge landslide. He knows that a "record 56% “Better Off Now” than 4 Years Ago (Gallup) during the Obama/Sleepy Joe Biden Administration,". Americans can clearly see that he made America great again and they want to keep America great again.
This is only the latest attempt by the Democrats to foster doubt, skepticism and lack of faith in our constitutional election system. If they can't beat the will of good, patriotic American voters with good policy then they will try to do it with claims of election fraud and "chicanery". Check out the "Transition Integrity Project" online to see how they have already been wargaming a way to influence the election outcome with nationwide protests and demonstrations similar to the BLM and Antifa riots, which appear to have been merely a trail run for the day after the election. Pray and vote!
Look for widespread civil unrest ON THE DAY OF ELECTION... as the left attempts to deny voters, in heavily populated RED areas, access to the polls thru the use of intimidation and outright physical violence. Look for some polling places to be set ablaze others to be raided and balloting machines destroyed. The Left won't wait until later in the election cycle, they want to throw this election into chaos and the courts from the get-go.
They want it in the courts where it cannot be 'certified' in time to make the Constitutional deadlines of January 6th, and January 20th (the end of the sitting President's term of office). Eventually, the election could end up devolving to a majority vote in the House of Representatives, as prescribed under the 12th and 20th Amendments.
Do we want to see the Next President being elected by a majority vote of the House of Representatives? I think not. We must encourage the President to prepare a plan in the little time left to defend our vote and to keep polling places open for live in-person voting... we must also be prepared to challenge the votes of mail-in ballots on a massive scale as there will be lots of fraudulent ballots presented for tabulation with the legitimate ballots.
If true, this is why criminal actions MUST have legal consequences!
Barr MUST indict Obama, Clinton, and Biden as requested by Trump.
You are so right. Demonrats try to undermine the amazing American election process so that they can sow doubt about Trump's landslide victory on November 3rd. They really stop at nothing and nothing is too low for demonrats.
Funny how the malcontent left reveals what they are up to, by claiming their adversaries are acually up to the very things.
Biden know he has no chance of winning this is just an excuse to keep their socialist hating America that's all they got
That's not the only thing he has backwards.