

    I forgot about this.....she didn't.


  • As Americans stare at this incompetent, illegal Presidency, while the Democrats show incessant focus on January 6th while pushing Socialist values and denying Democratic high crimes, while Russia and China are seizing the opportunity to realize their global ambitions during Biden's rudderless leadership and with his assistance, now, as Putin has an all-out blitz on Ukraine, the American people are facing an unparalleled disaster! It's a bleak time for Americans!

       To the Sheep that voted Biden, we had people like you before our own revolutionary war (they were British sympathizers called tories). They were arrested for treason and hung! I hope your children forgive you in time!



  • Well, that has to star by you idiot. So far the only decency and honor you have shown is how to protect you devil Son and you hord your millions. You have not soul the devil took from you.

  • You've done enough, sit down, before you fall down!

  • Not possible... he has no honor or decency those qualities are absent from him and his party.

  • he is one of the worse people on earth lying through his teeth so with that said obama, and his cronies are in the same boat therefore the Devil is running this nation.

    • The Devil certainly has his legions of pawns and sycophants... those willing to sell their souls for a brief moment of glory and a high that will only lead them to the precipice of Hell and a sudden and disastrous fall...

    • the worse about this is they don't even know if they sell souls to the Devil.

  • Hahahahahahahahahaha......if he only could remember what that means!

  • NOVEMBER 3rd 2020, under Trump.

    *Peace in the Middle East. (Iraq, Syria, Turkey, etc).

    *Iran quiet.

    *Afghanistan quiet.

    *Korea quiet.

    *China in check and increasing trade.

    *USA feared & respected at NATO.

    *NATO members started paying their fair share.

    *Illegal immigration stopped at southern border.

    *Best economy in years.

    *New businesses booming.

    *Cost of gas going down.  (1.49 June 2020, Trump wanted 1.50 per gal nation wide).

    *USA #1 producer of gas & oil in the world.

    *Fair trade agreement with Mexico and Canada.


    January 20th 2021, under Biden.

    *Erased everything Trump did.

    *Resume Obama’s third term.

    *ECONOMY- in shambles.

    *BORDER CRISIS- illegals flooding the border by the millions.

    *INFLATION- We now have the worse inflation since 1980, next will be total shutdown.

    *CRIME- up 40%.

    *ENERGY CRISIS- Gas has doubled, coal will be shut down this year. We are now begging OPEC, Iran and Venezuela for “tar grade” oil. The U.S. has massive amounts of “sweet” grade oil.

    *VACCINE MANDATE- He changed the vaccines in May of 2020 so he can poke kids and is now forcing an illegal mandate which has caused a worker shortage at all levels.

    *SUPPLY CHAIN DISASTER- With no sign of getting better.

    *BIDEN RESUPPLIED OUR ENEMIES around the world to the tune of  85 billion dollars in top military equipment and sold out our allies.

    *He sent 37 billion dollars of our taxes to the crookedest Government in Europe while not giving a nickel to secure our own border!

    BTW, Zelinsky just bought his parents a mansion with a saltwater pool and a new car each while his people are being slaughtered.


    Way to go Joe!


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