
  • Well there is a direct connection and the two of them are best of buddies

  • i wonder who is offended that people are attacking the president biden's offspring were ok with attacks on trump's offspring [including baron ]


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  • "Hunter is being used to get to me" Bull S**t  nobody has to be used to get to you.  Every one knows your a cheat, criminal, and a FRAUD from the bottom of your blonde furry legs to the top of your plugged head!

  • Fathers serve as a role model for their sons. They are the fruits of our love or the lack there of,

  • We The People Are For President Trump And Are The Biggest Voting Block In The Country!

    Trump Warns Senators to Fight or Lose the Republican Party
    .@senatemajldr and Republican Senators have to get tougher, or you won’t have a Republican Party anymore. We won the Presidential Election, by a lot.…
  • The only phoney I see is Bidens. Listen to me and ignore the FACTS. Hunter is a huge liability and Joe is knee deep as the "big guy" . The MSM can't change the facts.

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