
  • BIden, Pelosi, Schumer, Harris, Nadler, Schiff, AOC, ...the dem party, al. are simply the manifestations of the erased concept of a reprepsentative republic and an American culture guided by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  One asks frequently,  "how did these people get elected ...and manage to remain in office???."  The brains of the sheep have been altered to think that America's formula for a civil society guaranteeing personal liberty and freedom is all wrong.  It has been erased by the slow and insidious creep of Marxist /progressivism over generatons whereby many of the baby boomers and subsequent generations are actively and obviously teaching the children to abhore such a concept of Americanism.  When the brain dies does the country.  America is in it's final phase  of dementia.  

    The objective has always been to  destroy America's preeminence and eliminate free market capitalism.  The country has been thrown back into the mouths of the wolves (global controllers: Soros, Gates, the Bilderbergers, Bankers ...the successors of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Carnegies, Vanderbilts, like the now, Clintons, Bushes, Cheneys, Bidens, Obamas, Pelosis etc.)   They don't give a damn about the American people , our freedom, or the sovereignty of our nation. They continue to strangle and asphyxiate America's grey matter with bullshit media propaganda to destroy Donald Trump's and our voices through lies and intimidation....after all  we are all racists ....right??  not!  The carbon monoxide began to flow post Civil War when many elites absorbed the Marxist mantra and shoved the hose down the throats of the American public.

    The hugh question before us is this:  Can the sheep be reeducated, .....can they hear our voices of Americanism?  Can they be resucitated before the brain is completely necrotic??


    PATRIOTS................. stand up tall and shout it out!


    ALL COLORS, ALL FAITHS,  ALL GENDERS,  ALL    AMERICANS!   in a civil society with mutual respect for all human beings...with liberty and justice for all.


  • Benedict Arnold found a way, as will Biden and His Ilk!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Can the biden administration sink any lower?  Well yes, I am confident they will find a way!

  • Oh, I think the Biden Administration can sink lower. They haven't reached the end yet.

  • Australia? They are locking their own people up.

    Next. If U want to get even,so do I, so release all anti Trump docs from the Steele Dossier stuff ALL! And realize we have asshole leaders like you have and we are paying a dear price for it.Next I would like to say that I am so happy that the SAS is getting Americans out of Afghanistan. Thank you!

    Lastly GLOBALISM is useless.And Dangerous!

    • Here in the US, we have much trouble unifying North, South, East, and West ... different cultures, different world views. And often outright attacks ... sometimes physical. These problems in our country of 350 million people are magnified manyfold in the world of almost 8 billion people.

      In engineerspeak (I'm an engineer), top down solutions can only work if the lower level components are well understood and synchronized. In the US, our States aligned around our Constitution. That's not possible in the global arena ... for one thing the Afghan Taliban and general population live within a 7th century worldview. So a top down approach in the global arena (the UN) is a foolish realistic and unrealistic endeavor (too bad, but so be it) ... no more nation building please!!

      Joe Biden has never had executive experience ... he's never even managed an ice cream shop ... he's way over his head. I want Donald Trump back at the helm ... he has successfully managed the Trump hotel empire worldwide!

    • There is a bottom up solution and, we as Tea Party Patriots need to make our. Representatives in all 50 states hear our voices load and clear. If you, as my state Representative want to keep your job, make them do their job and invoke Article V of the Constitution and call for a Convention of States. Any Tea Party Member should be ashamed if they don't at least volunteer and advance our noble cause. We have hundreds of thousands of grassroots members in all 50 states. Where are tge 75 Million people that voted  for Trump. His followers are most likely well over 100 million now. Why are their voices silent. Even last one of them need to come together and force our representatives to pass this legislation. Wouldn't it be nice to get rid of crazy Nancy, Mitch McConnel , -all democommunists and Rhinos would be gone with the 1st item on our list -Term Limits #2 is a Balenced Budget Amendment. No money, no lifetime terms in office. What elite in their right mind would want either of these two. Let's put the States back in Control and take the power away from the federal government. Whether we all agree or not, the federal govt was only supposed to be to defend its citizens from foreign enemies. They are way out of control. What are you people eating on? Did we not, as Parents, kick CRT square it the mouth with a sucker punch? Let's do it again with the COS. We can do it. Are we patriots or wimps. Positive comment welcomed. Now let's do it before it's too late!!!

  • Our friends don't trust us, our enemies don't fear us and that's the way the democrats want it. 

    • You said it perfectly. 

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