The right's meme template: post pic of brutal dictator and say “JOE BIDEN”  : TheRightCantMeme

Nearly every day of former President Donald Trump’s term, someone — either from the opposition party or from the Democrat-aligned media — called him some version of authoritarian.

That was especially the case whenever Trump issued an executive order, many if not most of which were summarily challenged by left-wing groups in court, often successfully.

It never made any sense to call a president whose executive orders were overturned and who eventually got kicked off of all social media a tyrant and a dictator since not too many tyrants and dictators throughout the history of Humankind had their orders contradicted or struck down by any legal body.

But now that the current president has a “D” behind his name, suddenly tyranny is back in style (because for Democrats, authoritarianism has always been their preferred style of governance).

Joe Biden has essentially been governing by dictate since taking office 15-20 minutes ago, and Breitbart News has been tracking ‘the emperor’ and his actions:

President Joe Biden has issued more executive orders in his first week in office — not yet complete, as of this writing — than any of his 45 predecessors.

As of January 25, 2021, Biden has ‘issued 33 executive orders, actions, proclamations, memoranda and agency directives,’ according to CNN. Twenty-one of these, according to the White House website, are executive orders.

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