<a" alt="Is there clear evidence Biden solicited the Ukrainian prime minister to hire his son? You decide. – Hasslefree Allsort" />

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  • Is this guy trying to get President Trump elected?  Crazy!  By the way...can anyone here please tell me how I can put a photo on my profile?  Thanks


  • Well, according to Nutjob Nancy, Biden is going to be President no matter WHAT the election results are.  Dontcha y'all think we need to start demanding charges for officials who violate the Constitution?  EVERY time?!




    • Nut job Nancy does not know that are so many of us who support Trump NO MATTER What. Every good American patriot has pledged allegiance to Trump, the United States, and the US Constitution. Trump is the man of the hour, a strong, decisive and great leader. He made America great again. We are again a nation of law and order, we have secure borders, a great economy, we are even turning the corner on the China virus. Fiscal responsibility, family values, patriotism, and Christianity are upheld again. Trump 2020!!

  • Well my first thought was if he doesn't need the people to get him elected then he must have made deals with wealthy people to see that he gets the vote. Could this be where or who all that money in campaign donations is coming from? He must think he's already got it in the bag. Just like Hillary did. I hope he will crash and burn just like she did.

  • " we got a lot of work to do, I don't only need you to get me elected, I need you once I am elected." Biden's speech is very slurred and difficult to understand... speech that is indicative of onset dementia. 

  • Arrogant Bastard

  • Dale and Paul: you both got that right! I wouldn't want to be him when he meets Our Lord.

  • You know why " he needs you after he gets elected?"  Because he will then be using your tax money to enrich himself.  His influence from the Obama years is waning as a product for marketing.

    This guy, the "Big Guy", is pathetically corrupt, demented as well as depraved.  A reprobate running for president.  This is truly sick.

    • Biden will use Hunter's companies to funnel federal money into his own pockets by awarding federal contracts to him. There is no honesty, decency or morality among demonrats. 

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