President Biden on Wednesday warned Americans they may have to cancel “small” outdoor gatherings on the Fourth of July if there’s a slowdown of COVID-19 vaccinations.
More than 51 percent of American adults have received at least one vaccine dose, according to CDC data, indicating that herd immunity and the pandemic’s end are near.
But Biden said at the White House that he’s not yet comfortable saying people can hold small outdoor gatherings on Independence Day.
“Back on March 11, I outlined a vision of what America could look like by the Fourth of July — an America that was much closer to normal life that we left behind more than a year ago,” Biden said.
He warned: “To celebrate our independence from this virus on July 4th with family and friends in small groups, we still have more to do in the months of May and June. We all need to mask up until the number of cases goes down, until everyone has a chance to get their shot.”
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Biden obviously hates the United States of America.
Is there a difference between them??
Adolph was shown in better health in his picture.
Oh yes, Adolph lied more convincingly too.
Resist tyranny Take them off and IGNORE their ORDERS. No more willing consent to THEIR tyranny people! Take them off in protest. They are STEALING OUR FREEDOM FROM US!!!!
Biden obviously hates patriots and the United States of America.
The whole damn left hates Patriots.
Biden sucks
To Hell with Biden. I will celebrate Independence Day in the way I please. I am an American and I honor my country and my flag. I don't honor traitors who care paid and controlled by China. Unfortunately in the city in which I live, they will probably go along with this idiot (do you suppose he even has an IQ of 75), it has been democrat controlled for decades.
Why listen to the un -indited FELON in the oval office about anything ????