
  • No.  But civil wars work with communists.  

  • President Donald J. Trump unified the country after obummer divided it. In less then two years the imposter divided the country again starting with his illegal assumption of office. Bring back Trump. Trump 2024!

  • I wonder what BLM and Antifa were doing for the Democrats and their socialist party 

    • What ever they "define" BLM and Antifa's actions as... I'm absolutely sure it was all "Mostly Peaceful" unlike the horrible J-6er's   

  • What Biden meant to say: "Republicans don't settle our differences in America with a riot... but Democrats do."

  • Someone should remind TRAITOR JOE of 2020 - The Summer of Love.  And then show all the footage of people assaulting and murdering people because of a disagreement. 

    • Martha... I love the live MSM News anchor reporting: "It's been mostly peaceful" and behind him rioters setting a car ablaze against the backdrop of a fully engulfed row of businesses!

  • In all fairness to dementia, he doesn't know who or where he is !!!!!  He is merely the bobblehead puppet used as the face while fuhrer obama and his lemmings hide behind a curtain pulling the strings of America's manchurian candidate installed in office by MASSIVE VOTE FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!

  • LOSER and LIAR

  • This froma party clown from the party who created the riots of which he speaks. The epitome of lunacy.

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