
  • I brought this up during the mid-term election cycle... in a rebuttal to the false hope being sown by the now-defunct RED WAVE.  I suggested that even if Biden lost both houses in Congress that he would still have a VETO PROOF PRESIDENCY... and that he would rule and reign using EXECUTIVE ORDERS and TWISTED REGULATORY AUTHORITY...  I also suggested that the GOP would pull another page out of the RNC handbook on how to extract failure out of the jaws of victory... simply rolling over after SCREAMING FOWL.

    I predicted we could expect a Circus of the confused... would once more take their seats on the merry-go-round of ineptness and betrayal... leaving us to disembark at the same place we got on... nowhere,  Biden et all should be impeached, even if we don't have the votes to convict.  Monthly impeachments, with Biden leading the way, followed by Garland, Wray, Austin, Mayorkas, Blinkin, and Yellen... should occupy all three rings in the Circus of the inept.  We need to keep the names of these malfeasant benefactors and their failed policies before the people... daily reminding the Public that rigged elections have consequences.  Maybe then the public will wake up to the serious problems we have with the Democrat Party and its agents.

  • I brought this up during the mid-term election cycle... in a rebuttal to the false hope being sown by the now-defunct RED WAVE.  I suggested that even if Biden lost both houses in Congress that he would still have a VETO PROOF PRESIDENCY... and that he would rule and reign using EXECUTIVE ORDERS and TWISTED REGULATORY AUTHORITY...  I also suggested that the GOP would pull out another page on how to extract failure out of victory... and simply roll over after SCREAMING FOWL.

    That, we could expect the Circus of the confused to once more take their seat on the merry-go-round of ineptness and betrayal... leaving us to disembark at the same place we got on... nowhere, Biden et all should be impeached even if we don't have the votes to convict.  Monthly impeachments with Biden leading the way followed by Garland, Wray, Austin, Mayorkas, Blinkin, and Yellen...others to follow. these.  Keep the names of these malfeasant benefactors and their failed policies before the people... daily until they can be constitutionally replaced and disciplined for their crimes. 

  • If joe-joe and the democommies want a power war, let's have at it;  American Revolution 2.0 is long past due and I have always wanted to visit DC. AR 2.0 would give me a legitimate reason to make the trip. This is the main reason we can NEVER let them take our weapons, so continue to keep your powder dry!!

  • Demoncrats SUCK BIG TIME

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