When Biden stoled the presidentcy in January 20th of 2021, the annual inflation rate was an acceptable 1.3% and gas was an average of $2.39 a gallon. Now, (Nov 1st 2022) the supposed inflation is 8.7% and the average price at the pump is $3.65 even though he’s selling off our Strategic Oil Reserve to China to keep the price down. (BTW, in June of 2020. I paid $1.49 per gallon in Pillager Mn, in Brainerd Mn, the next town, it was $1.43). Trump wanted a National Ceiling of $1.50 per gallon. Between November 11th and January 20th, the price of gas increased about $1.00 per gallon. Biden, however claimed in a speech Thursday after the September numbers were released that if Republicans win in November, inflation will get far
worse, which is ridiculous! The past and present numbers speak for themselves!According to the United States Consumer price index, these are the inflation numbers under Biden:
42.9% airline fares.
33.1% utility gas (Natural & propane).
30.5% eggs.
18.2% gasoline.
17.2% chicken.
15.7% coffee.
15.2% milk.
14.7% bread.
10.1% furniture.
9.2% vegetables.
8.2% fruit.
8.1% ham.
7.6% women apparel.
7.2% used cars.
6.7% rent.
3.7% men apparel.
16.5% inflation, NOT 8.7%! An acceptable level is under 2.5. While Trump was in office 2019-2020, inflation was 1.23% and going down! National Bureau of Economics: “Under Biden we now have the highest inflation rate in 40 years with no end in sight”!
John Leer, Chief economist, Twitter “We now have the makings for a full blown Recession”! Bloomberg News “If this inflation continues, we will have a Recession by Oct of 2023”!
More proof that dementia doesn't have any mental thought process ability left!!!!! I am thrilled the economy is so great, especially since I just yesterday spent $27 putting half a tank of gas in my car!!!!! The economy is "great" to him because the goal is to destroy America and it is working out that way, making all of the hate God, hate America left thrilled!!!!!!!!!!
Once a stupid idiot person always a stupid idiot person he doesn't feel it because he can afford it he doesn't have to work and depend on his paycheck week by week how can anyone defend this brainless person
Biden like Obama isn't lying he's just letting you decide what his speech means to you individually! But unfortunately what it means to and what his real meaning is are always completely different! Lets break his statement here down a couple of ways. "You don't feel it, but the economy is great." 1. You the American people are just too stupid to see how great the economy is. 2. If you are an elite like Biden, then Yes the economy is great. 3. Since your not an elite of course you're not going to feel it- stupid!
The usual, nothing to see here, or your not seeing what your seeing.
The worst president ever. He is a complete failure. I hope his wife can get him to step down and save this great republic.
If I don't see it, it's not happening!
What is our true inflation?
When Biden stoled the presidentcy in January 20th of 2021, the annual inflation rate was an acceptable 1.3% and gas was an average of $2.39 a gallon. Now, (Nov 1st 2022) the supposed inflation is 8.7% and the average price at the pump is $3.65 even though he’s selling off our Strategic Oil Reserve to China to keep the price down. (BTW, in June of 2020. I paid $1.49 per gallon in Pillager Mn, in Brainerd Mn, the next town, it was $1.43). Trump wanted a National Ceiling of $1.50 per gallon. Between November 11th and January 20th, the price of gas increased about $1.00 per gallon. Biden, however claimed in a speech Thursday after the September numbers were released that if Republicans win in November, inflation will get far
worse, which is ridiculous! The past and present numbers speak for themselves! According to the United States Consumer price index, these are the inflation numbers under Biden:
42.9% airline fares.
33.1% utility gas (Natural & propane).
30.5% eggs.
18.2% gasoline.
17.2% chicken.
15.7% coffee.
15.2% milk.
14.7% bread.
10.1% furniture.
9.2% vegetables.
8.2% fruit.
8.1% ham.
7.6% women apparel.
7.2% used cars.
6.7% rent.
3.7% men apparel.
16.5% inflation, NOT 8.7%! An acceptable level is under 2.5. While Trump was in office 2019-2020, inflation was 1.23% and going down! National Bureau of Economics: “Under Biden we now have the highest inflation rate in 40 years with no end in sight”!
John Leer, Chief economist, Twitter “We now have the makings for a full blown Recession”!
Bloomberg News “If this inflation continues, we will have a Recession by Oct of 2023”!
More proof that dementia doesn't have any mental thought process ability left!!!!! I am thrilled the economy is so great, especially since I just yesterday spent $27 putting half a tank of gas in my car!!!!! The economy is "great" to him because the goal is to destroy America and it is working out that way, making all of the hate God, hate America left thrilled!!!!!!!!!!
A piece of crap that's out the destroy this country.
Once a stupid idiot person always a stupid idiot person he doesn't feel it because he can afford it he doesn't have to work and depend on his paycheck week by week how can anyone defend this brainless person
Dumbest politician of all time
Lying creep
Biden like Obama isn't lying he's just letting you decide what his speech means to you individually! But unfortunately what it means to and what his real meaning is are always completely different! Lets break his statement here down a couple of ways. "You don't feel it, but the economy is great." 1. You the American people are just too stupid to see how great the economy is. 2. If you are an elite like Biden, then Yes the economy is great. 3. Since your not an elite of course you're not going to feel it- stupid!