
  • A lot of people don't have an extra $460.00 a month. Now begains the choices. Needed meds or O'bidin. Miss Trump yet? 

  • You ain't seen nothing yet. 

    • The plan is to brake the middle class, force everyone to depend on the government for everything. 

  • Planning will not replace 450 dollars a month in additional expenses for the average American Family of 4... the average income is 47K and most Americans were barely able to keep the wolf from their front door BEFORE adding 450 dollars worth of inflationary pressure to their debts... and that is just the start of the coming financial chaos.  We are looking at a new currency and the exchange will eat up most people's life savings overnight.  The world's greatest wealth transfer in human history is just around the corner.

    Utility bills are about to double... then double again... what e then? What will the average American do to pay for lights, heat, and the ever-increasing demands for energy?  This commentator in the video lead-in is 'out of touch' with the average American and their finances... The average American can not take one Nickle more n expense... not one Nickel.  Hyperinflation is around the corner and when it hits look out America.. riots are on the way.  The Great Reset will destroy America's middle class and usher in a new world order... a new feudal age. 

  • But the idiots keep lying that everything is going great 

    • Enough people believed his crap to get him elected

    • You beat me to it. What the indoctrianted can't grasp is that IF they succeed in their criminal activities and they gain absolute control they will change from useful idiots to useless idiots and be expendable just like's happened in ALL commie countries around the world. China has now started killing people to harvest organs. What will be their next step?


    • Killing us to harvest organs. 

    • I know people who are saying he isn't as bad as Trump! They are willing to pay the price for keeping this halfwit in office, we will see if they are willing to give up everything?

    • What does that say about the IDIOTS that are willing to accept the lies?  It is past time the people hold those robbing them accountable..  The wrong crowd is being asked to pay for the shenanigans of a cabal of plutocrats... It is past time to strip them of their wealth and to reduce them to serfdom... or suffer the consequences that come with inaction... in the face of evil.

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