Big Apple Rocked - 21 Shootings During 9-Hour

Murder is rising — but New York doesn't seem to care

Gun violence continues to grip the city. Dozens of people were shot over the July 4 holiday weekend.

On Sunday, between midnight and 9 a.m., police said there were 21 shootings resulting in 37 shooting victims. In all, at least nine shooting victims died over the weekend, CBS2’s Cory James reported.

Among the many incidents, two people were shot in East Flatbush at around 4 a.m. Investigators said that incident involved a 19-year-old man, who was killed after being shot in the chest. The other victim was a 27-year-old man, who was shot in the shoulder but is expected to survive.

Another incident took place in Inwood and authorities told James a total of five people were shot. The victims ranged in age from 16 to 31.

One of those victims was shot in the head and is fighting for their life.

Another shooting happened in Morningside Heights, where a 23-year-old man was shot in the back near West 116th Street. Authorities said he was driven to the hospital by someone and later died.

Speaking on the radio Sunday morning, former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly pointed to a possible cause for all the shootings.

“Here, the mayor eliminated the anti-crime units, which were probably the most effective tool that existed in the department for decades to fight violent street crime. So that was a direct signal of surrender,” Kelly said.

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