
  • At 9:20 P.M. , a little wiser, i Say to All members "GOOD NIGHTBELOVED BROTHERS and SISTERS"

    • Good night and pleasant dreams🙏🏼🙏🏼

  • We the People have allowed the exponential growth of the federal government for over a century. The administrative state seeks control of much of what belongs to us, and the unaccountable and unelected bureaucracy seeks to control even more due to the ineffectivity of our elected representatives and the lack of involvement by citizens in the process of self-governance. Article V of our Constitution was written for such times, and now is the time for the people of the States to use it, peacefully and constitutionally.

    • I think "feral" is a more accurate term than "federal.' Not kidding, either.

    • It started with Wilson, and grew since then.......the people turned a blind eye thinking the founders gave us something ironclad that cou,d not be undone! 

    • ILONA; YES Wilson probably set the degredation of citizen participation in motion. But now many years later we have a completely IGNORANT POPULATION, that Does NOT even imagine that they should have a roll to play in maintaining our freedom and liberty. The Democrat's would be powerful have realized this and had set about to gain an advantage where they could accumulate more power and influence in all sectors of our lives. We can state our repugnance for COMMUNISM bust must define AREAS THAT NEED TO BE ELIMINATED, (such as any perpetrators of violence at  voting polls), ( bribery for vote$ ): Requiring Nationwide an UNCORRUPTABLE STANDARDIZED Method for casting Votes,  And this just is "the tip of this civic ice berg". This forum needs more members to formulate How we Confront This EMERGENCY.

    • A Renewed  Forgotten Approach to what we would advise could Well revolve around the "reading material" from ZERO HEDGE  that MIKE DUNCAN referred to us.  i HAVE STARTED.

    • It is the church that is to blame. Our founders clearly stated that this nation was formed for the furtherance of the Christian faith, that we may raise up Godly generations, after us and that this Constitution and our v liberties are wholely for a moral and Christian (religious) people. 

    • Yes, they believed that only a moral population could maintain a free society. But they did not mean for the United States to be a Christian country. They believed in the individual's right to choose his or her faith, or not to have any faith, if they so chose. Morality is not contained solely within Christianity. The founders knew that, and did not want the government to dictate a particular religious faith to their citizens.

    • Our first Covenant with God and for America states that this nation is founded for the furtherance of the Christian faith. It was "signed mutually in the presence of God and of each other" As you say, they did not intend to force people into Christianity. As far back as 1654, Sephardic Jews were welcomed to our shores as well as Ashkenazi Jews. The influence of Christianity was felt throught our institutions.

      All of our first colleges were Bible colleges, even Harvard. It was a pluralistic acceptance of all the various Christian and Jewish faiths, but, the influence of Christianity on the government, media, family, education, church, was undoubtable. 

      Islam and other faiths like that were not welcome. As far as the influence of scripture in educaiton, the 1st grade primer taught phrases about Jesus Christ and the 4th grade primer taught the Sermon on the Mount. But no, they did not force it or want to force it, but it was a Christian nation none the less. The U of TX did a 7 year study on the influence of Christianity, and found 7,000 references to scripture in our letters, books, documents, etc. Each state Preamble refers to God or Divine Providence, so there is ample evidence of the strength of the faith of our founders and framers—but still, not by force. I would describe it as the dominant influence on the culture. 

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