Republican Rep. Andy Biggs is calling for GOP House leaders to put forward Motion to Vacate the Chair to remove Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker.
In an op-ed for Fox News, Biggs wrote:
Isn’t it past time for Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to leave her office as Speaker of the House? I call upon our leaders in Congress to put forward the Motion to Vacate the Chair that has been prepared and merely needs to be brought to the floor.
Pelosi recently referred to members of Congress who support President Donald Trump as “domestic criminals.”
Of course, that type of hyperbole has become commonplace among the left and is ever-present under Speaker Pelosi’s leadership.
The left hates President Trump and the Americans who voted for him. In and of itself, it is a most despicable statement designed to divide the nation, but it shows a disregard for the institution itself.
Nor can we forget that she allowed an impeachment proceeding to go forward that was based solely on animus toward the president, and not on any allegation of the commission of a “high crime or misdemeanor.” The peg on which the left had hung their hat was “Russian collusion.”
read more here:
She does need to be removed - - -via ARREST and military tribunal.
This Criminal, Traitor and Complete PSYCHOPATH should have gone to prison years ago but in All Reality 95% of the Communist Party U.S.A. masquerading as the "Democrat Congress" the last 50 or so years should have gone to prison for Life with 50% of them HANGED for Treaon and other, Many, Many Other High Crimes along with 70% of the Republican's for letting them get away with their Destruction of America.
95% of ALL of Congress knowing how Incredibly ILLEGAL Sodomite Hussein Obama was, Not even being an American Citizen, should Still be HANGED for Subversion and Treason for allowing that POS to remain POTUS for even One Term much less Two by Fraud. America is Now certainly FINISHED and anyone who thinks that Communist Chinese Troops Invading America is Beyond a Possibility Isn't living in Reality because We have NOBODY In Charge ------ NOBODY!!
It's about damn time she is expelled, PELOSI IS A HUGE DISASTER DETRIMENT TO AMERICA!!!!!!!! The left is letting PEOPLE WITH COVID walk right across the border!!!!! They could be CRIMINALS and TERRORISTS and the left DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT WHATSOEVER!!!!!!! Danger Zone!!!!!!
It's actually time for Nancy and her entire family to leave the USA - leave all their wealth here and take nothing but the clothes on their backs and get the .... out. If their truly is a domestic criminal it is spelled P-E-L-O-S-I!!
We can only hope!
Fine but will the rest of the REP support him? Sure, just like they supported TRUMP. Just got a request for $$ from the RNC asking for money to stop Biden from cancelling all of Trumps accomplishments and sent it back to them with a letter asking them what they did to support Tump and especially during the fraud election. Best way they could have stopped Biden was to stop election fraud. Will only give $$ to Trumps pac and whomever he endorses.
I am happy that the Republican have some balls to stand for the constitution it's about time.
She should have been relieved of her duties and removed to jail when she tore uo the SOTU. Had we had a constitiutional sheriff in DC that would have happened.
Nancys televised federal offense occured only 1 year and 3 months ago. I am sure it is still good to go court-wise.
We can only hope.