politics dishonorable william barr Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

Six months after resigning as attorney general, William Barr recently re-entered the spotlight, reportedly telling friendly news correspondent Jonathan Karl that allegations of vote fraud during the 2020 election are bull.  Now that civilian Bill Barr has jumped back into the political fray, it is time to take unflinching stock of the degraded Department of Justice (DOJ) and how it became even further corrupted during Barr's reign.

In reviewing the attorney general's passivity during his tenure, it is difficult to escape the conclusion that Barr's inaction was born of anything other than profound fear of the progressive, hydra-headed agency he ostensibly led.  Indeed, during his nearly two years on the job, the nation's top cop repeatedly gave interviews in which he alluded to criminal wrongdoing on the part of the Obama administration and senior leaders of Obama's intelligence agencies, which spied on the Trump campaign and later sought to remove Trump from office on a variety of increasingly implausible and comically specious pretexts.  Yet, despite all of Barr's talk, there was never any accountability for the malefactors. 

Given the elastic timeframes and endless delays concluding the John Durham–led probe into the origins of the Russia hoax-cum-coup that crippled Trump's presidency, it is worth asking whether Barr cravenly provided the president and the public with false assurances that he and Durham were indeed making a good-faith effort to root out the rampant corruption within the DOJ, coupled with false promises that the coup's participants would be brought to justice.  Did Barr make a calculated decision to buy time, carrying water for the administrative state he so fears, while deliberately running out the clock on President Trump?  Did Barr bank his hopes on Trump's defeat in the 2020 election so the entire five-year, government-wide effort to defenestrate Trump could be flushed away down the memory hole?

In reviewing nearly two years of the Barr-led DOJ, it is instructive to reflect on the two-tiered nature of justice at the DOJ.  Several mysterious deaths remain unexplained, among them the 2016 murder of Democrat operative Seth Rich and the "suicides" of the politically connected pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and the Department of Homeland Security whistleblower Philip Haney.  What did these seemingly unrelated events have in common?  The suddenly deceased were all in a position to reveal enormously incriminating information about prominent Democrats.  It is not a "conspiracy theory" to observe that the DOJ seems to have no interest in investigating these highly suspicious deaths.

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