
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates on Tuesday warned that international authorities, including the World Health Organization, need to take action against the threat posed by bioterrorism and said “germ games” is the best way to prevent it.

“It’ll take probably about a billion a year for a pandemic Task Force at the WHO level, which is doing the surveillance and actually doing what I call ‘germ games’ where you practice,” Gates during an interview with the chair of the Health Select Committee, Jeremy Hunt, for the think tank Policy Exchange, according to Sky News.

Germ games are when government agencies and militaries practice scenarios of a pandemic.

Gates then asked: “You say, OK, what if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports? You know, how would the world respond to that?”

The world’s fourth-richest noted that to prepare for a doomsday scenario, the United States and United Kingdom would have to spend “tens of billions” on research and development.

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  • Absolutely Ilona! Every community has people that can readily supply all our needs from food through clothes and furniture. Searching for the "Needs" is a lot more adventurous and rewarding than looking for a "Parking Spot and Standing In Line!" Word of mouth builds the Trade in these Areas and away from the Imports.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Realy... Try searching for farm-fresh eggs or unprocessed milk in Chicago, NY City, or LA...  Currently,  few individuals are looking to access local farm products... expand the demand and a notable shortage will almost immediately appear.  We simply don't have sufficient small town farms or farmers anymore. As a society we are tethered to the Corporate Farms. One more sign of the times... as food becomes critical central control of farm products will occur.

      Government programs have been eating away at the numbers of small farms for decades... reducing the resilience of our agricultural industry and its independent ability to supply large scale retail home grown produce and farm products.

    • One has to go out to the country to do these things, you will not find them in your supermarkets. The point of all this is to point out the possibilities out in our farming communities. It isn't to say our local farms can support all people,but face the fact, most people prefer the convenience of foods already prepped for them, hopefully in a microwaveable box so they don't have to do dishes either. These ideas are not for the lazy, to live off he land takes a lot of work and Know-how, and you best off when you belong to a likeminded community. If the doo hits the fan and food becomes hard to come by, many people will not know how to survive, they will starve in the cities.....but most of the country folks will survive.

      During WWII my  father was at the front, and my mother lived in the city trying to feed two young boys. With different armies going through the area all needing supplies, they raided the cities taking everything. Each time this happened the city people went hungry until slowly they could get some supplies, then another wave of solders came! My mother had friends in the villages, she went to them to work, help them with whatever they needed for food. The country folks will always have something because they grow it, raise it themselves.

  • You are to be admired Ilona!

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • It is an instinct of survival to support our own...not the enemy, and do we NEED the junk that comes from China?

  • All new germs need to be tested on Gates FIRST!  If he survives well maybe then..........

  • The bet way to hurt the Chinese Government is to completely stop purchasing their products, even if it means you and your family does without. Given time Merchants will find other sources of merchandise.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Lynn-I have urged people to "stop" buying anything made in China for years; we have enough local artisans and craftsmen, mom and pop businesses to adequately address our needs; perhaps not with the fanciesrt tvs, or major appliances (at the moment), just give American merchants and manufacturers that opportunity.

    • I always looked at labels,  it in the last several years I put products back on the shelf before I support the commies!

      I even found an Amish guy to reupholster some of my furniture, rather than buying foreign.

    • I also suggest buying local food in order to not eat the crap the corporate farmers dump into their cows, hogs and chickens. The whole corporate farming nightmare is also toxic. I buy local in all of these:  honey,  organic chocolate, clean raw milk that is high Omega 3, and from the same local farmer, clean beef, pork and chicken and eggs. Organic greens and vitamins in bulk, powder if I can get it. 

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