AP Government: Earmarks

American taxpayers still reeling from coronavirus lockdowns will be shelling out billions to foreign countries if Congress passes a $2.3 trillion spending bill unveiled Monday.

The 5,593 page budget-busting bill was posted online Monday afternoon, only hours before House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said a vote would be held.

For some countries, Christmas came early:

$169,739,000 to Vietnam, including $19 million to remediate dioxins (page 1476).

Unspecified funds to “continue support for not-for-profit institutions of higher education in Kabul, Afghanistan that are accessible to both women and men in a coeducational environment” (page 1477).

$198,323,000 to Bangladesh, including $23.5 million to support Burmese refugees and $23.3 million for “democracy programs” (page 1485).

$130,265,000 to Nepal for “development and democracy programs” (page 1485).

Pakistan: $15 million for “democracy programs” and $10 million for “gender programs” (page 1486).

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  • Good point Marlene.

  • I have said before and I will say it again. Teachers are the bottom of the totem pole. First the Board of Directors. Then the Administration/President/Principle. Then the Deans. Then the Chairs. Then faculty.

    In High Schools, First the Board of Directors or Administration. Then the Faculty.

    In Grade Schools, First the Principle. Then the teachers.

    The ones who get blamed the most are the Professors, who you can see are the last on a much longer list of Who's Who and Who Calls the Shots. Promottions and Merit Awards depend  upon FOLLOWING the goals as laid out by the top echalon, the Board. If the Board demands Diversity, Equity and Alignment, then good luck to any who out and out REFUSE, because they will be GONE.

    • Most or all are like this, Marlene. I know of two examples locally, of faculty fired for anonymous complaints. No day in court. No face the accuser. Nothing. No defense allowed. This is the state of education today in America. And I am one of the two.

    • The Teachers... good ones ... need to organize and if the Principle and Board are leftist... insist they be removed/resign or the teachers need to walk out on them and start a private school as close as possible to the public school and put the bastards out of business.  The problem is TEACHERS... the conservatives and Christians failed to organize a long time ago... to counter the crap being foisted on them by the NEA and other Marxist unions.

      Frankly, i am appalled that they failed to act earlier too organize and counter the fraud being passed out as public education... hence, I blame them... they were hired by parents expecting them to be professionals looking to EDUCATE not indoctrinate... too teach critical thinking along with the fundamentals of English, mathematics, history, civics, liberal arts and languages... a good classical education.  NOT HAPPENING ... why?  Because management and the Teachers failed in their duty to educate.... they willingly allowed the left to steal the Public Educaiton System instead of screaming fowl and organizing a counter-revolution... they went along to get alone.  BAD DECISION.

    • I do blame faculty for the lowering of educational standards and accuracy. Absolutely, I agree on this point. One problem though, is that public schools are "forced" to accomodate more and more students who are not qualified or ready to be in certain programs. I think part of this is the increading chemicals in vaxx, chemtrails, more chemicals in air, soil, water, etc. I always had autistic students, suicidal students, disfunctional students, plagiarizers and otherwise, poorly parented students. it is a big web of where we have gone wrong. It begins with family, inho.

    • and my agreement is due to the Dewey brainwashing in Master's of Ed programs. I was forced to take an online class when I began my M.A. and it was pure indoctrination. 

    • p/s well I probably offended every teacher in the Union... good... maybe they'll think on what I have said and work to decertify the NEA or other teachers union they belong to and start one that is interested in public education rather than leftist indoctrination?

    • The power to organize unions of teachers should be directed at reforming our educational system... more than benefiting the incomes and retirement of Teachers... Teachers become Administrators,  Administrators become Chairs and Superintendents, who become State and National leaders of public education... So, it is the local pool of organized Teachers who over time and thru their patronage set the policies that have brought us to where we are today... 

      Parents and Taxpayers have been totally marginalized by the Union... having little voice in the establishment of policy and curriculum parents rely on the professionals they HIRE to TEACH... not indoctrinate their children.   However, like the government, Teachers have betrayed the trust of those who hired them. They run the system but have no intention of producing what the owners demand: competent, well-educated children, capable of competing in the world for their share of the pie... life's rewards.  It has become so bad that a total overhaul of the Public Education System is needed... it will take years to completely correct... if it ever occurs. 

    • We need a nation returned to God before any of this can happen. It is the Biblical world view that has been abandoned. Truth, Depth of learning and teaching. More writing, research, more hand work, less computer, complete overhaul of textbooks for world view bias in communism and anti-American propaganda. 

    • I agree Jea9 ... and by the way, I understand and feel horribly for what you and the many good teachers caught up in the web of deceit that brought the Public Educational system to where it is today. Find a good parochial or private school where you can teach to those children whose parents are concerned enough to pull their children from the public garbage pit... we call public education. 

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