Well, they’re back. Leftist rioters and Black Lives Matter are descending into the Wisconsin city of Wauwatosa after a police officer wasn’t charged in a shooting that led to the death of 17-year-old Alvin Cole. Cole was killed on February 2 when he opened fire on officers. The Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office announced today that the officer who shot Cole, Joseph Mensah, wouldn’t be charged

But facts don’t matter to the Left or their band of thugs in the BLM and Antifa movements. Our own Julio Rosas is on the ground in Wauwatosa, where this anti-American mob took their war into the suburbs.

In a lengthy thread, Rosas captured BLM rioters targeting homes, along with the typical vandalism they inflict on storefronts. Yet, the police here appear to be not messing around. They tried to loot a gas station but fled when police arrived.

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