Black Lives Matter leader declares war on police | Daily Mail Online

The Black Live Matter movement will develop an armed branch of “peace officers” to combat police brutality in black communities during the so-called “war on police,” according to one of its leaders.

Protests broke out across the country following the death of unarmed Minneapolis black man George Floyd while in police custody, bringing the BLM movement back into national focus. In an interview with the Daily Mail, BLM New York chapter Chairman Hawk Newsome described how the group plans to follow in the footsteps of the Black Panthers Party by matching fire with fire – when necessary.

“We're talking about self-defense. We're talking about defending our communities,” Newsome said. “You know what it's like to see a taser pointed at a 7-year-old, you know what it's like to see a 67-year-old black woman ... pepper sprayed and pushed to the ground?”

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