The Black Lives Matter movement filed a lawsuit in federal court on Thursday to prevent President Donald Trump from sending 200 federal law enforcement officials to help Mayor Lori Lightfoot fight surging crime in the city.
The lawsuit, in which the local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America has joined Black Lives Matter’s Chicago branch as a plaintiff, names federal law enforcement officials as defendants in a civil rights claim.
On Wednesday, President Trump announced that he would be sending federal law enforcement officials to Chicago and other cities as part of Operation Legend to fight a surge in violent crime since the recent Black Lives Matter protests.
The president and his administration have noted that the primary victims of that crime wave have been African American. Federal officials are being deployed to shore up the efforts of local law enforcement agencies struggling under the burden.
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He may not be sleazing around our White House as the foreign invader he is but he's still undermining our country.
This is Chairman Baos "Private Army". Remember?..........We're letting this S.O.B. run a communist revolution while living in our Capital to boot!!!
Unseal this Usurpers records.............NOW!!
No, this is not obama's private army. His private army was imported and flown in from syria in the dark of night and strategically placed all over the United States. Training and planning by day, working at walmart by night. We will see first hand how peaceful they are when obama/soros gives them the green light. Be ready America!
Peaceful. Do they think we have not seen the videos of the death counts.
MSM is hiding it surprisingly well from John Q. Public. COLLUSION!!!
President Trump should declare Marshal Law and send in Miliary.
AGREED!!!!!! I/that would've been done a month ago..
The members of the Democratic Socialist/Communist of America and Black Lives Matter MUST be rounded up and exterminated !! NO COMMUNIST ALLOWED IN AMERICA!!
The Trump administration needs to get on with it. We cannot allow these un-American forces work against the good Trump is doing. If we don't purge them from American soil, we won't be able to preserve our freedom and liberties.