President @JoeBiden Today:

🎤 “I am dropping out of the presidential race to defend democracy.”

🎤 “We must unite to protect democracy.”

🎤 “Nothing should stand in the way of saving our democracy.”

🎤 “In a democracy, the people, not kings or dictators, rule.”

@DNC Today in a Smoke-Filled Room: “We will create an open, fair, inclusive and transparent process to select the next Democratic nominee.” However:

•The American people will not get a chance to vote for the Democratic nominee and their VP.

•DNC party bosses will vote instead of the American people.

•While a virtual primary for the American people isn’t possible, we will make it possible for DNC party bosses to vote virtually. BUT, none of that even really matters because nearly 2,000 DNC party bosses have already told the Associated Press that they are committed to Kamala Harris and her unknown VP as the Democratic nominee, so Harris already won the open, fair, inclusive and transparent process, which is really just for show.

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