Amen! College is also attempted (and mostly successful ...

In July, a subcommittee of an organization called the Conference on College Composition and Communication that named itself the “Why We Cain’t Breathe!” subcommittee published a list of demands calling for the abolition of “White Mainstream English” to make way for “Black Linguistic Justice.”

Five English professors and a writing scholar created the list of demands, claiming students needed to “decolonize” their minds as well as the English language, as The College Fix reported.


The five chief demands of the infuriated group were:

We demand that teachers stop using academic language and standard English as the accepted communicative norm, which reflects white mainstream English.

We demand that teachers stop teaching black students to code-switch! Instead, we must teach black students about anti-black linguistic racism and white linguistic supremacy.

We demand that political discussions and Praxis Center Black Language as teacher-researcher activism for classrooms and communities.

We demand black linguistic consciousness.

We demand that black dispositions are centered in the research and teaching of black language.

The six authors included Michigan State University Professors April Baker-Bell and Lamar Johnson; Cal State University Fullerton Professor Bonnie Williams-Farrier; Boston University Professor Davena Jackson; Texas Christian University Carmen Kynard, and English scholar Teaira McMurtry, reportedly affiliated with the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

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  • So say the racists. Idol worship of black skin.

    • This is what happens when race is allowed by the courts to displace citizenship as the badge of identity.  English is the National Language. Since whites are not a minority then , according to the courts, they cannot suffer racial discrimination. Only minorities do.  The English language is white, therefore a tool of discrimination used to put minorities (blacks) in their place and keep them there. How dastardly is that.

      English, with its enormous vocabulary and capacity to invent words, its subtlety of grammer and syntax, has always been one of the great strengths of American society and our culture. This is the United States of America.  English is our language.  Get use to it.  Or get the hell out.

      Ebonics is the bastard resulting from combining ebony (black) with phonetics.  It is nothing but a glorified name for street-speech by dumbed down dope heads of the black race.  "you no whut I'm sayin M-fuk-er?"  And this crap needs to be taught in college?  And allowed to replace our national language.?

      A nation that does not cherish its founding, study and remember its past,  is composed of people selfishly living for the moment, and woefully ingnorant of how they came to be.  They will tear down monuments, destroy both public and private property, riot in the streets, and give themselves to lawlessness.  

    • Absolutely, yes. The sad part (one part) is the clueless who think this garbage is elevating a group of people who just didn't have enough character, enough money, enough status, etc.,  in their parental line, to make them successful. No one apparently told or taught them to sit down, shut up, stand up, say hello and nice to meet you and thank you and to wait their turn.

      Simple Grandma/Grandpa Mom/Dad stuff teaching kids to mind their manners and no one else's. Instead they were pandered to, given homes in major cities like Chicago, such as Caprini Green, and they ran it into the gutter so hard, so low, that the whole thing was torn down and no longer exists. The crime, gang against gang. Deadbeat Demo Mayors, Gov., did not a thing, and no one ever questioned why they ran it THEMSELVES into the ground. 

      The one question I have is, WHO RAISED THESE MONSTERS ??
      The black population is about 13% of the population. Among whites, about 70% profess Christianity. Among Blacks, about 80% profess Christianity. 

      So, What brand of Christianity do they follow? Black Gospel is beautiful, worshipfully wonderful and highly spiritual music. Early black music is lovely. WHAT happened? All the 60"s R and B stars, all those songs that I still know the words to because I loved them so much, and still do LOVE them, showed so much heart and soul and spirit.  HOW did they degenerate into a BARBARIAN mindset, when they had the world by the tail, back then. All they had to do was take a few predudice hits now and then that might not even have been predudice. We all have occasion to be disliked for some reason at some time and in some circumstance, when we just don't come off that great to someone else. It ain't skin. 

      Who HASN'T had someone NOT like them at some point. For no reason. These monsters have had their eyes blinded so completely now, it can be nothing other than demonic. There is NO way that any of this is a natural occurance. We are looking at black man after black man do the stupidest, most dangerous things that any idiot could ever think of. Running from police, fighting, gun and reaching for one, Good GRIEF. 

      These deaths are their OWN FAULT. Stupid is STILL Stupid. And look at the "educated", buying into gutter language. I love words. I listen to bullsh*t at my college, agout playing to the younger generations  games, study styles, mindsets. I say BULLSHIT. Let THEM learn to read, speak. write, think. be grateful, stand up tall, say thank you, may I. If they didn't learn anything in school, then there are still Books. My grandpa, with a 3rd grade education, taught himself calculus, geometry, electricity, and wired the coal mines of WV. He was responsible for the lives of hundreds of men. And he cared about them. Something these people have never learned. I have yet to hear one black mother come out about their dead kid, who attacked the police, and say, "I NEVER TAUGHT MY SON TO ACT LIKE THIS. "  HAS ANYONE HEARD THIS?

      They seriously are aiming at reducing America's collective IQ to 20 or less. Dogs speak more clearly and expressively than  "yonowhutI'msayinF-fuk-r!"  So does my cat, btw .

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