It was a heck of a way to start a week as the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, NBC, and Spanish language networks CNN en Español, Telemundo, and Univision completely blacked out the bombshell leaked audio that suggested former Secretary of State John Kerry backstabbed Israel and told secrets to Iran’s terrorist-backing regime.
The audio of Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and an Iranian journalist was leaked to the New York Times and an Iranian outlet based in the U.K. And according to Zarif, Kerry had confirmed Israel’s involvement in operations against Iranian forces in Syria. If true, it constituted a massive betrayal against the U.S.’s biggest ally in the region. But it didn’t garner an iota of airtime on any of those networks.
Instead of covering that major story, all three of the major broadcast networks gushed about the Oscars and how woke they were. Only CBS Evening News noted how terrible the ratings were, without going into detail. And the Spanish-language networks touted the Latinos that won awards.
Fortunately, Fox News Channel wasn’t beholden to the Biden administration and wasn’t an ally to the Iranian regime, like those networks were. “Breaking tonight, what could be a major breach of national security and international relations at the hands of former Secretary of State and current climate adviser John Kerry,” announced Special Report anchor Bret Baier at the top of the newscast.
Adding: “Democrats are dismissing any controversy, Republicans as you can imagine are not to.” That also explained the liberal media’s refusal to cover the scandal.
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Kerry should be fired
He should be shot for treason
From what has been posted in the public forum Kerry committed 'espionage' and violated the Logan Act among other crimes... just one more example of the duplicity in the law. You or I would be in jail right now if we knowingly did what Kerry confessed to.
John Kerry the communist is at it again.
like I said before this Obama 3rd term in office from now on anything will go.
Does a 'One World Order' ring a bell-???
Can you say, "Communism"? That's what this is. Trying to program everyone to only hear what nonsense they spew. Biden is not doing well in office; The majority of the people in this country are not "Woke"; The majority of Americans are NOT racist; The majority of our police are great and, thank God, are there for us; our border is in crisis and needs to be closed; and this regime now in power is, in my opinion, run by Obama and all his henchmen, with Joe the sock puppet reading what they put before him.]
Several major thoughts. CBS talked briefly of the ratings probably because it was not chosen to broadcast the "event" (family reunion).
Why is the author, Nicholas FONDAcaro, singling out FOX for its coverage? Many of us watch little to no Fox News due to its anti-American leaning.
Why did Nicholas not mention Newsmax' or OAN's coverage of Kerry's anti-American gaffe.
Are Very Merry (Mary) Kerry and Slo’ Walkin' Joe-baby related?
I have an idea! Let us allow a few more illegals from South and Central America only. In exchange, in a random act of kindness, we will give them all our DNC members in addition to some other striking communists.
He has been a traitor since he was in the Military. If he had not married money he would be a NOTHING.
I totally agree. John Kerry has never been honest or trustworthy.