#Blexit Back the Blue March in D.C


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  • Let's hope they all vote for Trump on election day.... and that SUFFICIENT polls are open to support massive turn out.  If you can vote in-person early in your state so as election day may become highly volatile and with many states reducing the numbers of polling places many people may be denied their right to vote for access problems and civil unrest problems.

  • Yep, the party of the KKK and Jim Crow south has finally been unmasked. Thanks to Candace Owens and her Blexit activism for reaching so many people with the true history of our great country and the Marxist corruption of today's Democrats. The public education system and the socialist teacher's unions have been filling our young people's heads with this propaganda for decades and it is about time that we put a stop to it with the truth. Getting active with your local school board and other local government officials is the only way to ensure that this Marxist socialist propaganda in our schools is shown for the evil ideology that it really is.

  • No, of course I never saw that. I wonder how many leftist heads have already exxploded.

  • This is what America really looks like. Not like the scum running around ruining lives and destroying things. They had 2 of these rallies in Rochester NY and my Grandson had a DJ sitting in the truck bed playing all American pride songs with a huge blue flag supporting the police. Sure there are a lot more going on around the Country

  • Wonderful to see how people are learning what the Democrat party is all about and willing to speak up!!!

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