
  • And just where have we heard that before?  At this point what does it matter.  All should be arrested, tried and convicted.

  • When are we going to stop electing Marxist. Last night California had the choice of getting one out of office instead they choose the same governor who is destroying the state. I realize that Democrats are racist. I remember when Los Angeles elected a black man to be mayor of the city.I remember when the city elected a Hispanic as mayor, last night they had the choice of electing the first black man as governor of the state the only thing they hated was he is a Republican.Democrats hate if you believe in God,they hate you if you don't want the government to control your life, they hate you if you believe in the Constitution of the United States and love your country,they hate you if you disagree with their education system.They are political racist they are not Democrats they are Marxist today they don't have a D at the end of their names today they have a M.

    • Personally, I don't think Californians chose the same  governor in this recall election - - the same kind of voter fraud went on there as we witnessed last November, a lot of that evidence has already been found.  Not that anything is going to be done about it - - -again,, but somehow, something has to change.

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    • Agreed, bust them all and let God sort out any good from the bad... He may have a real problem in finding even one good man in the bunch.   I am reminded of Abraham as he bargained with God to spare Sodom and Gahmoah if there were but 10 righteous souls in the city... Sodom could not produce 10 righteous souls... I doubt there are 10 righteous souls in Washington today.

  • Blinken does not want to go to the conclusion Cruz is focused on. But that the listing was nessesary at all, caused by the snafu methodology used by the Biden amatuers, shows why it is always better to leave serious matters to the experienced professionals.

    This is not Monday morning quarterbacking. This is common sense dealing in life or death consequences.

    •  'Blinken has spent his whole 'working' time in plum jobs. Lots of pay, travel,  benes and NOT MUCH WORK...'  Sounds like a government job to me.

    • It is my experience that most civil service employees would not make it in the private sector... as the system rewards mediocrity and going along to get along... it is the SYSTEM that is the greatest problem.  Tenure or seniority weighs heavily on their willingness to push the production curve... as the attitude is there is always tomorrow.... and tomorrow never seems to come.  Government contracting has one of the world's worst reputations for efficiency and timeliness... it is hard to believe one whose entire history is mired in that mess could defend its record... you should know better.

    • P/S we will simply have to let the facts speak... government contracting sucks and could use a complete make over... by the way I was around when contracting was primarily the responsibility of the Officer Corps... when they designed and fielded equipment from the ground up in a year... . well before DCMA... while contracting was still part of the DCMC and DLA.  When local commanders had contracting authority... for most of the operational contracts... with DARPA and the DLA/DCMC letting and managing major contracting.  Contracting was conducted much closer to user sources.... resulting in better response times and costs.  The current system is staffed with too many levels of bureaucracy and is growing not shrinking and with expansion becoming more isolated from the user.  Just my opinion... of a field commander who served 2 tours in Viet Nam and 14 months in Iraq...

      Your judgment on the officer corps certainly has changed from your report on your interface with the Officers using the NTC contract facilities.. which is it .. they are baffoons or highly efficient?  They can't be both.  Oh, and when was the last time you saw combat.. and had to live within your contract under fire?

  • Please SOMEHOW elimenate these treasonous people

  • Giving the enemies of the United States the names and probably locations of US Citizens in a combat zone certainly appears to be Treason... We are no longer a nation of laws... not at all.  Treason appears to be an Administration policy.  If we are not giving names of our citizens to the enemy we are FUNDING THEM.

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