
  • There always comes a moment in time when the Tree of Tyranny must be Felled by the Axe of Liberty.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • Carter and Clinton decimated our Military but they were incompetent chumps, this is Evil.

    Our friends don't trust us, our enemies don't fear us and that's the way the China wants it.

  • You had a plan and TORE it up because it was Trumps!!!

  • Blinken just admitted Trump is still the president he is still calling the shots 

  • Sometimes the old methods are the best methods. Thank you Skeptical.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • No problem!

      I'd pay good money to see how Bidens Boney Butt measures up.

  • When I tried that kind of blame shifting as a child,

    the dreaded twelve incher came out of the drawer,

    with all its wooden stinging correction.

    The Progressive Socialist excusers could use some measuring up to the truth. IMHO

  • Off the subject - but important.  A friend of mine was given the official news: "Get a vaccine or you cannot be in an armed services.  Period.  If you do not get the vaccine and you will not quit, you will be given a medical discharge."  This is not going to happen, it has happened.  It is official.  A recruiter was asked his thoughts.  His reply was, "Over 100,000 military people are going to quit.  Furthermore, we recruiters are given a quota to achieve each month.  People are not even coming in, let alone joining.  I cannot make my quota.  The Biden Administration is using this as a tool to greatly thin down the ranks of the entire military.  Add to this that they want their men to be 'woke.'"  Do you really think all that artillery was left overseas by us to the Taliban was an accident?  We have given more to the terrorists, the Taliban, and Iran than any other source.  Small and weak armed services that are ill-armed and ill-prepared for war is an invitation to China and/or Russia.  Do you think we should do more than twiddle our thumbs?  What should we do in your opinion?

    • Vote him out of office in 2024!!!  Except, it looks like the left has found a way to cheat in elections and not get caught.  There's already evidence that it's happening in the Newsom recall.  People are being turned away from the polls after being told that they "already voted."  As long as the dems are in control, this country is in deep trouble!!

  • Blinken admitted that the Taliban was the one setting the rules and the Biden Administration was the one bending over to the Taliban.  None of this can be put on Trump.

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