
  • What miserable corrupt bastards these people are

    • Nailed it!

  • OMG - I get so fricking tired of this corrupt administration wasting our money and putting us at risk.  I wish there was a way that the American people could bring charges against everyone in TRAITOR JOE's administration.  We can bet, TRAITOR GARLAND is never going to bring charges! [Of course, imnsho) TRAITOR GARLAND should be facing charges of Treason himself]. 

    If the House carries out the investigations they have promised - nothing will be done as long as TRAITOR GARLAND is in charge of the DOJ.

    • I wish I could think of some brilliant strategy to get our country back. I cannot, But perhaps some can and may. I can pray.

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    • Yes! I have called it an occupation of an anti American cabal.

    • It looks to me like we are not even putting up a fight.  Pretty sad. Just imagine if those warriors for all our previous wars took that attitude.

  • I wonder what Zelensky has on the Dems. We know there was corruption regarding the Bidens with a lot of $$$$ flowing to them.

    • I wonder what Zelensky has on the GOP leadership, too. They aren't putting up a fight. They are even keeping totally quiet about this travesty and unconstitutional behavior.

    • It's not only what he has on them, we l ready KNOW what Ukrain has on the Biden crime family. It is also the opportunity for the left to launder a ton of money.....keep huge portions for themselves, Zelenskyy may not even be apart of this, this could be done behind his back, before he gets any of the money into his hands. 

  • So much for "For the people, by the people."   It is destroyed and replaced with tyranny.  

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